Saturday, April 19, 2014

3.01  Prologue
Items:    Medicine x10, Bandana x1, Tunic x1, Leather Helm x1, Chain
          Mail x1, Scale Shield x1, Leather Boots x1
Potch:    200p - begins with it.

You will begin the game with naming your character. I choose "Hero" and
I will be refering it throughout the walkthrough.

Afterwards, you will be allow to adjust the options. Once you are done,
hit the start button to carry on. After some cutscenes, you will engage
in your first battle - a naval battle!

Snowe will provide you with some help.

                   Naval Battle #1 - First Engagement
 You will be given a tutorial from Jewel. Choose the top option and
 Snowe will drop some hints. The objective is to destroy the
 opponent's ship.

 Opponent: ?????
                       Victory conditions:
        Counter the enemy's attack and emerge victorious.

  Crew Members:
  Hero     HP 10 ATK 14 DEF 5 Underlings 12
  Tal      HP 11 ATK 14 DEF 8 Underlings 8
  Paula    HP 10 ATK 12 DEF 5 Underlings 10
  Keneth   HP 10 ATK 13 DEF 5 Underlings 10
  Jewel    HP 10 ATK 13 DEF 5 Underlings 8

  - Listen to the hints: "...can fire lightning & water Rune Shells"
  - Therefore, choose someone with a lightning Rune - Pick Keneth!
  - Place the remaining four members as your fighters
  - Take the maximum number of underlings. You can take a maximum of
    49 underlings if you choose the above setup. You will have more
    "hit points" if you choose less underlings. The opponent has 60
    hit points by the way.
  - Move to the 3rd square and press Left/Right to attack the opponent
    with your Rune Cannon. Counter when the opponent's attack you.

This is shortly follow by your first battle. It will be against a man
and a woman. Just follow the instructions from Snowe and you will be
fine. Seize the opportunity to get use to commands and controls. The
battle will ends once either the man (Glen) or woman (Katarina) is
knocked out. Snowe is equiped with the Water Rune, where Kindness Drops
restores HP. The battle will end if Hero dies. However, if you want to
win the battle, I recommend you to follow Snowe's instructions. You
are bound to use a Medicine in the battle anyway.

There will be some more cutscenes. Glen (the man) will challenge you
to a one-on-one battle. Choose the bottom option. You can view your
status screen. Snowe will be part of your party. There is a save point
in the room which allows you to save your game.

    LV 1                             LV 1
    Hero                STR   3      Snowe              STR   3
    HP:   11/11         SKL   3      HP:   11/11        SKL   1
    MP:   LV 1:  1/1    MAG   3      MP:   LV 1: 1/1    MAG   1
          LV 2:  0/0    EVA   3            LV 2: 0/0    EVA   2
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   3            LV 3: 0/0    PDF   2
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   2            LV 4: 0/0    MDF   2
                        SPD   3                         SPD   2
    ATK   15   DEF   3  LUC   2      ATK   13   DEF  2  LUC   1

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Bandana, Tunic                  Leather Helm, Chain Mail, Scale
                                   Shield & Leather Boots
   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Water
   Weapon: Training Sword 1        Weapon: Daddy Blade
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    12                   WPN PWR     10

* The statistics are listed without any equipment. Go to Equipment
  option and hit Circle to remove all the equipment. Give Hero the
  best defensive armor.

Talk to Katarina or Glen to initiate the combat

                  Fencing Battle #1 - Vs. Glen
  Once you are done, talk to Katarina or Glen. You will be fighting
  a fencing match. There are 3 options - Attack, Guard, Special.

  1st Turn: Attack (Normal)
  2nd Turn: Attack (Special)
  3rd Turn: Attack
  4th turn: Guard
  5th turn: Guard

  And pay attention to his quotes...

  Or you want a sure-win battle?

  Quote                                              Use
  Pay close attention to my swordsmanship         -> Special
  Prepare to get beaten to a pulp                 -> Guard
  Charge at me and don't hold anything back       -> Attack
  Let's see how well you can wield that sword     -> Attack
  Now its my turn                                 -> Special
  My next move will settle this once and for all! -> Guard
  I will strike you with all your might           -> Guard

Well after the sparring match, you will be free to roam. You can find
your teammates at the following locations:

  Lower deck: Katarina
  Upper deck: Jewel, Tal and Keneth

Talk to everyone and this will be followed by some more scenes. Talk
to Tal and there will be more cutscenes and well you are starting
the game...

3.02   Hall of Knights
Items:    Old Book Volume 9, Steamed Bun x1, Water Orb x1

Head for the yellow marker on the map. You will reach the courtyard
area. There is a door that leads to the hallway leading to Audience
Chamber. You can find a chest containing an Old Book Volume 9. Exit
and move to the next door on the right, you will find Hero's room in
this hallway. There is a chest containing a Water Orb and Steamed Bun.
There is also a save point where you can save your game. If you move
up the Spire, you will be able to reach Commander Glen's room.

There is nothing much to do other than heading for the Training Hall
where you will find Kataronia at the doorway. There will be some
more scenes and some history... (do you hate history classes? ^_^)

Exit the courtyard. Head for the port which is located at the first

3.03   Razril (Port)
Items:   Mushroom x1, Medicine x1, Stomach Band x1, Sandals x1,
         Tunic x2, Mittens x1, Robe x1, Gloves x1

(S) Save your game

There is a save point here. Since it is night time, there are nothing
much to visit as all shops are close. Ignore the entranceway (yellow
marker) that is on right next to the equipment if you go there, you
will have random battles.

Just move all your way towards north and you will trigger a cutscene
automatically. Eventually, you receives a torch of fire where Hero
could use it as his weapon ^_^ if you visit the Back Street area.

After the cutscene of Hero receiving the torch, you will be back at
the main street leading to the square. There are people in the main
street holding torches. Talk to them to light their torches. There are
a total of 8 torches to light...

Make your way to the Square and it will be followed some cutscenes and
fireworks. Talk to everyone (Paula, Katarina, Glen, Tal, Jewel, Keneth
and Lord Vingerhut). Exit the area via the main walkway not the one
that is leading towards the back street. Just head south off the main
street. Talk to everyone and there will be one man claiming that her
daughter is missing.

There is a cat at the area. Examine it and choose "Pet It" and you
will receive a Medicine! Move forward and you will find a cat-man
loitering around. Talk to it (Chiepoo) and you will get a notfication
from it that a girl has been kidnapped. It is optional on whether you
want to gather your party (you can have a maximum of four members).
I would do so as it will make the party more "balanced".

    LV 1                             LV 1
    Tal                 STR   3      Jewel              STR   3
    HP:   11/11         SKL   2      HP:   12/12        SKL   2
    MP:   LV 1:  1/1    MAG   2      MP:   LV 1: 1/1    MAG   2
          LV 2:  0/0    EVA   3            LV 2: 0/0    EVA   3
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   2            LV 3: 0/0    PDF   2
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   1            LV 4: 0/0    MDF   2
                        SPD   2                         SPD   3
    ATK   13   DEF   2  LUC   3      ATK   13   DEF  2  LUC   2

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Stomach Band, Sandals           Tunic, Mittens
   Runes:  Earth                   Runes:  Water
   Weapon: Training Sword 1        Weapon: Training Sword 1
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    12                   WPN PWR     10

    LV 1                            LV 1
    Keneth              STR   2     Paula               STR   2
    HP:   12/12         SKL   4     HP:    12/12        SKL   2
    MP:   LV 1:  1/1    MAG   2     MP:    LV 1: 1/1    MAG   3
          LV 2:  0/0    EVA   2            LV 2: 0/0    EVA   3
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   3            LV 3: 0/0    PDF   2
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   3            LV 4: 0/0    MDF   2
                        SPD   3                         SPD   3
    ATK   12   DEF   3  LUC   2     ATK    12   DEF  2  LUC   2

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Tunic                           Robe, Gloves
   Runes:  Lightning               Runes:  Wind
   Weapon: Training Sword 1        Weapon: Training Sword 1
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    10                   WPN PWR     10

* Do not take off their equipment or you will have troubles in the
  upcoming training hall session.

I recommend Keneth as his Lightning Rune is extremely useful when
fighting a group of enemies along with another character of your
choice. Remember the walkway? Just use it this time round...

- Back Street -
 Enemies: Shobby Shrew, Thug

There is nothing much except you will find a empty backyard. Just move
on the pathway and you will encounter random battles there. There is
a chest located along the pathway where you can get a Mushroom.

Proceed to the open area where you find a lot of broken pillars. Look
for a man facing a crate. It is pretty well hidden there. Talk to him
and you will fight...

   Kidnapper                   HP: 100     Potch:
   Kidnapper Underling         HP: 50      160p

   Just make use of Keneth's Lightning Rune if you have him in
   party for a quick finish. Or you may want to use the
   Friendship Attack between Snowe and Hero...
   Items: ? Pot (Pot of Razril)
          ? Painting (Grafitti)

Search the crate for a Treasure Map item. This is your ONLY chance to
get it! Head for the town entrance and choose to rest your day. You
part ways with your teammates.

3.04   Hall of Knights

(S) Save your game

You will be back at your room again. You can restore your HP and MP by
resting here. Save your game if you haven't do so. Exit the room. You
will meet Funghi in at the kitchen that is next to your room. Make
your way to courtyard. Exit the courtyard to the port and Snowe will
rejoin your party. You will be back at the courtyard. Make your way to
the training hall.

If you talk to the trainee before talking to your friends, you will be
fighting 3x Trainee where you can gain some experience points along
with 30p. This can be done infinite amount of times until you have
talked to your crew.

   Trainee A                   HP:  10            Potch: 30p
   Trainee B                   HP:  10
   Trainee C                   HP:  10

   - This is really simple. Just attack...

Talk to one of your crew members (Tal, Keneth, Paula or Jewel) and you
will be able to form a party of four with Hero and Snowe as compulsory

   Senior Knight               HP:  50            Potch: Nil
   - This is really simple. Just attack...

Dowe will suggest changing the party member. Your selected members
will be replaced by ones that are not selected. I will not recommend
Tal before of his weak starting defense. To train Tal, bring in Keneth
and have him using Berserk Blow. Once Tal is level 2, he should be
able to survive on his own.

   Senior Knight A             HP:  50           Potch: Nil
   Senior Knight B             HP:  50

   If you have Keneth, use him to cast Berserk Blow and all
   enemies will be killed.

You will be given 2 options. The 2nd option will ends the whole
practice session.

   Senior Knight A             HP:  50           Potch: Nil
   Senior Knight B             HP:  50           EXP:   200

   If you have Paula, use her to cast Wind of Sleep and attack
   enemies while they sleeping...

I supposed my hints are quite direct (^_^). Once you are done, pick
the bottom option "I've decided." You will be allowed to battle once
again with your desired formation. Exit the Hall of Knights and make
your way to Razril.

3.05  Razril Port Town
Items:   Medicine, Mushroom, Treasure Map

   Shopping List
   Armor Shop                     Equipment Shop
   __________________________     _____________________________
   Sandals              70p       Medicine                20p
   Gloves               120p      Antitoxin               50p
   Stomach Band         150p      Needle                  50p
   Bandana              80p

   Rune Shop
   __________________________     Inn - 200p per character
   Fire Orb             500p      Bargain items are pretty random
   Water Orb            500p      hence it is quite pointless to
   Align/Remove Rune    240p      list them down.

Port Area
On the pathway, you will see 3 groups of ladies. Talk to one of them
and you will be prompted to comment on the food. Choose "It was very
delicious!" Do some shopping. The currency used in the game is potch.
For both equipment shop and armor shop, you will find a Bargain item
column where you can get some rare equipment and items (items also
include sealed orbs)

You will meet Chiepoo at the Equipment Shop. Remember the orbs that
you have gotten earlier. You can equip them by visiting Rune Shops.
Equiping and remove Runes requires you to pay 240p per enlightment.
I would recommend you to align the Water Rune you found earlier for
Hero. Search the chair next to bookshelf and you will get a Medicine!

 Random Battles - Back Street
 If you are running out of money or potch, you can get some by
 fighting random battles at the back street area. There is a new
 enemy there. I recommend you to have all players at least level 4.

 Enemies: Hairball, Thug

Town Square
You will meet Basil at the town square where you will get to play a
mini-game - Top Tossing. Please refer to Mini Games Section for more
details. It will cost you 100 potch per game. I won't recommend playing
it as you are pretty tied up on money.

Talk to the lady at right side of the square and you will get a
Mushroom! You will meet Konrad in the Inn. Search the bookshelf at the
northeast corner and you will get a Treasure Map! The hotel fee is
800p (!) There is nothing much to do other heading back to the port at
the Hall of Knights.

3.06  Hall of Knights
Items:    Medicine x5

Well, that's all for your exploration for Dazil. Time to start work...
Proceed to the port area outside the Hall of Knights courtyard. Proceed
to the ship and it will trigger a cutscene. You will get 2 prompts.
Pick "Yes, let's go." and here are the jobs:

- Defeat wild sea creatures 3 times
- Deliver a document to Middleport

Choose the first one. Your objective is encounter 3 random battles.
The ship controls are rather hard to move as you need to twirl it
with the left analog stick to change its direction. Just loither
around area for 3 random battles.

 Random Battles - Sea near Razril
 Enemies: Seaweed, Muddy Fish

 The enemies are pretty weak as you can handle them out easily
 with normal attacks. Just win 3 battles.

If you activate the main menu, you will find 2 options - Anchor and
Save. Anchor will allows you to enter the ship on board. Inside the
room found in Gaien Training Ship, there is a save point and a chest
containing 5x Medicine! To return back to the World Map, activate
menu and select "Depart".

Upon finishing the 3 battles, Snowe will prompt you where you want to
return back to the port. Choose to return and you will be back at the
port near Knights of Hall automatically. If you did not, you can
return back having your ship making contact with the island.

Return back to your room and heal your wounds (sleeping the inn or
resting in your own room recovers HP and MP). Return back here for
your second mission. Choose to go for the mission.

3.06   Departing for Middleport
You will be back at the world map and here are the controls

Up       Move ship forward      []             Activate Menu
Left     Turn ship left         O              View Chart Screen
Right    Turn ship right        Right Analog   Free rotate camera
L1       Change Camera View     R1             Accelerate
R2       Change Compass View

The ship is a bit hard to control but it takes time for you to adapt
to it. Activate the menu and you will get to save your game or anchor
when you will get to access the ship. Hit the O button.

You will see the following list of commands:
X          Change Course
Triangle   Exit Chart Screen
O          Switch Display
[]         Island Shift

 Enemies:  Wild Seaweed, Muddy Fish

As you see from the chart screen or world map, you will find that
Middleport is actually southeast off Razril. Just activate the chart
screen and point the your cursor at Middleport. Once you reach the
sea near Middleport, you will need to manually adjust your ship and
located the port (which is orange in colour). Just choose to dock it.

3.07   Middleport
Items:  Treasure Map x1, Mushroom x1, Antitoxin x1, Fancy Console x1
Potch:  2500p

You will find a man and a knight at entrance way. Talk to them and you
will need kill a monster in the seas near Middleport. The battle is
quite tough and hence it would be advisible to visit the town first.

Below is the shopping list:

   Shopping List
   Harbour                          Town Square
   -----------                      ---------------

   Trading Post                     Equipment Shop
   ____________________________     _____________________________
   Bad Iron Ore                     Medicine                20p
   Bad Gold Ore                     Broiled Fish            100p
   Bad Cotton Cloth                 Cough Drop              50p
   Bad Wool Cloth
   Sugar                            Armor Shop
   Salt                             _____________________________
   Mayonnaise                       Sandals                 70p
   Candle                           Shoes                   120p
   Musk                             Cotton Mittens          180p
   Native Costume                   Leather Gloves          180p
   Deer Antler                      Tunic                   120p
   Book                             Leather Armor           250p
   Ancient Text                     Leather Helm            120p
   Herbal Medicine            
   Flower Seed                      Inn
   Wine                             _____________________________
   Rum                              40p per person
   Appraiser                        Smithery (Adrienne)
   _______________________________  _____________________________
   Fee:                200          Upgrade to Level 3 weapon


It is rather hard to make shopping list for Suikoden IV as there are
a lot of items that randomly appears. This also applies to the trading
post. The prices of the tradable items varies from time to time. Make
use of buy low and sell high. You may need to reset your PS2 often to
get desired prices.

There is a trading post and appraiser shop in this area. You can
have the appraiser to appraise your ? Pots or Paintings that you
have obtained from battles while in Razril for 200p per appraisal.
Once these items have been uncovered, you sell them for large
amount of money! If you appraise the 2 items - one of them is the Pot
of Razril while other one is Graffiti.

There is nothing much to do other than heading for the Town Square.

Middleport (Centre Square)
Well, you have saved up a lot of potch up to now. In the left
hand side of the square, you will meet Gunter where you can play
a dice mini-game (please refer to mini-games for more details). You
can play Down-to-One (min. 80p) or Triple Toss (min. 100p)

Head for the pathway behind him and it will leads the backstreet.
The street is a straightforward one and it leads to an empty house.
Search the barrel located on the right of the door and you will get
a Antitoxin. Search the chest nearby and you find another Mushroom.

Retrace your steps and move back to the Square. You can find the
equipment shop, armor shop and smithery on the top left hand corner
of the screen. Pay a visit to the Smithery and you will meet Adrienne
there. I recommend you to upgrading the character's weapon as it will
raise their attack. Upgrade Hero's weapon to level 3. As for attaching
Rune pieces, ignore it for the time being.

You will meet Pecola outside the inn who is being surrounded by a
group of woman. Visit the inn and search the paintings in the inn for
another Treasure Map item. It is in the southeast corner. There is a
spinning game but it requires you to have a Lottery Ticket. You can
save your game by talking to female innkeeper and sleep there for 120p.
Stay in the inn and make sure you some MP for magic casters. You can
earn a Supplementary Ticket by purchasing 500p in Middleport. Once
you got 5 of these, you will earn a lottery ticket. Visit the lottery

Just rotate the right analog stick and your prize depends on the ball
that drops from the box.

1st place (yellow):  1st time - Pirate King Crown
                     2nd time - Diamond
                     3rd time - 10000 potch
2nd place (red)   :  Sunbeam Orb
3rd place (green) :  Jizo Clock
4th place (blue)  :  Mega Medicine
5th place (white) :  Medicine

Take the central path and head north...

Middleport (Lord's Mansion)
You will find a chest on the right of the gates. It contain a Fancy
Console. There is nothing much to do in the mansion. Return back to the
harbour. Talk to Knight. Hit the ocean.

Loither your ship around Middleport for random battles. Wait until you
have encounter a Damp Hairball (a black flurry object). Once you got
that, prepare for a tough fight.

   Damp Hairball               HP:  ~350          Potch: 500
   It is really hard as your attacks weaken even if Hero's
   weapon has been upgraded to level 3. Damp Hairball's attack
   are generally normal except it could cast a water spell that
   does around 20+ HP damage to all characters. Make use of
   Kindness Drops or Medicine once a character is low on HP.

   Items: ? Pot (Pot of Razril)

Upon defeating it, return back to Middleport and you will get another
2000p by talking to the fisherman. Now there is much to do in the
town or you might want to play some dice. Go back to Razril.

3.08   Hall of Knights
Items:   Nothing!

You will meet Katarina and there will be an uncoming mission where
both Hero and Snowe has a separate mission. Approach the gates of
the courtyard and your other 2 members will leave the current party.

There will be some cutscenes and you will introduced to Ramada at
the Audience Chamber. There will be another cutscene between Snowe
and Hero. Next you are free to roam. Make your way to the port and
Snowe will part ways with you. Now make your way to Razril. The shops
are selling the same stuff but you will find new items under the
Bargain items hence check it out...

Make your way towards the port area that is outside the enterance
that leads to the main street. You will meet Akaghi and Mizuki and
a cutscene. Once the cutscene is over, return back to the Hall of
Knights. At the entrance of the courtyard, you will find Snowe. Talk
to him. Make your way to Audience Chamber and talk to Ramada. Pick
the first option.

3.09   Trip to IIluya
Items:    Nothing!

If you choose to anchor, visit the upper deck. There is a knight who
is training...

   Gaien Soldier               HP: 50             Potch: 100
   Well, it is really easy since you have gain a lot of levels
   since you last fought a Gaien soldier..

   Items: N/A

There is also an equipment shop by talking to guy dressed in blue.

Equipment Shop
Medicine                 20p
Antitoxin                50p
Needle                   50p

You need to head for Iluya Island, which is located northeast off
Razril and it is a long trip.

 Enemies: Wild Seaweed, Muddy Fish

As you set sail midway, you will get a cutscene between Hero and
Snowe. This followed by some more scenes and you will be back on
the ship deck. Talk to Snowe and it is followed by...

You will be given 2 options. Pick the top option. Let's fight! You
have another naval battle...

Remember this phrase:
 "The captain is always the last to leave..."

                   Naval Battle #2 - Pirate Brandeau

 Victory conditions:
 Emerge victorious against the 2 enemy pirate ships.

 They are having fire and lightning elements and you are the captain
 too. You will need to pick your elements. Choose them wisely.

 Knight of Gaien 1   HP 61 ATK 38  DEF 18  Underlings 3    Wind
 Knight of Gaien 2   HP 63 ATK 42  DEF 18  Underlings 20   Earth
 Knight of Gaien 3   HP 63 ATK 42  DEF 20  Underlings 40   Water
 Knight of Gaien 4   HP 63 ATK 41  DEF 18  Underlings 20   Lightning
 Knight of Gaien 5   HP 59 ATK 39  DEF 18  Underlings 10   Fire

 Opponents Stats
 Pirate Ship A                  Pirate Ship B
 Explore:     4                 Explore:     4
 Range:       3                 Range:       2
 Endurance:   5                 Endurance:   4
 Captain:     Brandeau          Captain:     Pirate Captain
 Rune Cannon: Pirate (Lit.)     Rune Cannon: Pirate (Fire)
 Underlings:  80                Underlings:  70

 Have an underlings of 95.

 The enemy will be able to move twice. Once you are done. Move towards
 in range against Pirate Ship A (with a flag). Use Knight of Gaien 2's
 Rune Cannon against it. Lightning is weak against Earth. Once the
 Pirate Ship A attacks you again, counter with Knight of Gaien 2's
 Rune Cannon. The battle is over in a blink of an eye...

 Next handle Pirate Ship B using Knight of Gaien 3's Rune Cannon.
 Congrats as you are victorous!

After some cutscenes and you will fight...

   Assassin                    HP: ~350           Potch: 450
   Pirate Brandeau             HP: ~350
   Snowe will not be part of your party and you will have a
   Knight of Gaien as your partner instead, who comes with a
   Wine Rune. Cast the Wind of Sleep first. Take the assassin as
   it could do some damaging attacks with a fire smash that does
   around 11+ HP damage to both Hero and your partner. A wind
   slash attack that does 20+ on one ally. Pirate Brandeau has
   the ability to heal himself using Kindness Drops, therefore
   take note of it.

   Items: N/A

This is followed by some dramatic cutscenes. Brandeau will be amazed
to see Hero surviving his moves and you will be battle him...

                  Fencing Battle #2 - Vs. Pirate Brandeau
  This marks the end for you, too... One blow from me and you'll be
  dead in an instant! (or maybe him ^_^)

  Quote                                                                                  Use
  Now I will kill you with a single blow.                              -> Guard
  I'll kill you!                                                         -> Guard
  Victory is mine...                                                                -> Special
  Hah, child's play! Allow me to humour you             -> Attack
  Your attacks are futile... Don't you realize that                   -> Attack

  If you lose to Brandeau, something special will happen...

After the battle, this is followed by some dramatic scenes...

3.10  Hall of Knights
Items:    N/A

You will be back at your room. Save your game. Exit your room and you
will meet Snowe. You need to get something for Glen. Make your way
to the entranceway of Courtyard. There will be some scenes concerning
Snowe... You will need to get some Mega Medicine. Head for Razril.

3.11   Razril
Items:   Cough Drop, Mega Medicine x2, Commander's Medicine

Make your way to the item shop. There will be some cutscenes. Make
your way the main street. Look for man who is dressing in a green
shirt with a red belt. You will get a Cough Drop from him. Visit the
inn and talk to Konrad.

Visit the equipment shop. Talk to shopkeeper. Exit the shop and this
is followed by some more scenes. Things aren't looking good for

Make your way back to your room. You will meet Funghi at the walkway.
You will get Commander's Medicine item along with Mega Medicine x2!
Snowe will leave your party again. Make your way to the Kitchen and
talk to Funghi and you will get Commander's Meal.

Make your way to Spire (1F Hallway). Move up the spiralways and you
will reach the entrance to Commander Glen's room. Katarina will tell
you to come in and you will be given a prompt:

a) "It's medicine, from Snowe."
b) "I bought some medicine earlier."

Pick the top one. You will hand over the items to Katarina. There
will be some more cutscenes. Make your way to the courtyard and there
will be a cutscene

At the courtyard, talk to your crew members and you will be given 3

a) Let's fight!
b) What should we do...?
c) Let's try asking the Commander.

Talk to them and pick the top option each. Get out of the courtyard
and talk to Gaien soldier at the harbor. It is another naval battle.

                   Naval Battle #3 - Retribution
 Pirate Dario vs Knights of Gaien

 Victory conditions:
 Emerge victorious against the enemy pirates!

 There are 2 ships. One of the ship has a Fire Rune while the
 flagship has two Runes - Fire and Wind. On your side, you have Snowe
 commanding another ship.

 Snowe Ship's stats
 Gaien Ship                    
 Explore:     4
 Range:       3
 Endurance:   17
 Captain:     Snowe
 Rune Cannon: Knight of Gaien 4 (Lit.)
 Underlings:  99

 Opponents Stats
 Pirate Ship A                  Pirate Ship B
 Explore:     4                 Explore:     4
 Range:       3                 Range:       3
 Endurance:   5                 Endurance:   3
 Captain:     Dario             Captain:     Pirate Captain
 Rune Cannon: Nalleo (Wind)     Rune Cannon: Pirate (Fire)
              Pirate (Fire)
 Underlings:  80                Underlings:  70

 Tal      Underlings 8     Rune: Earth
 Paula    Underlings 10    Rune: Wind
 Keneth   Underlings 10    Rune: Lightning
 Jewel    Underlings 8     Rune: Water

 Since both the ships have Fire Rune on their side. Jewel is an obvious
 choice as Water is strong against Fire. Choose Tal or Kneneth as your
 second Rune ability. For my case I opt for Tal as I haven't been using
 him for my previous missions and he is in a low level.

 Have Snowe to fight the main flagship while your crew focus on Pirate
 Ship B. Attack with your Water Rune Cannon. While Snowe and Dario are
 wrecking the hell out of each other. Get into range and fire with your
 Water Rune Cannon. This is quite an easy naval battle.

This is followed by some more cutscenes... and you will be given the
following prompts:

a) We've got to help Snowe. Hurry!
b) I guess we have no choice...

Pick the top option. This is followed by some more cutscenes. Both
Hero and Snowe has been summoned to Glen's room. You will have some
cutscenes. Exit the room and there will be a cutscene between Snowe
and Hero. Make your way to the room and examine your bed. Pick the
bottom option to sleep.

Once you are awaken, proceed to Kitchen and talk to Funghi. You will
recieve the Commander's Meal again. Make your way to the commander's
room. There will be another cutscene and a piece of bad news... Exit
the room.

After a series of scenes, Katarina will join your party!

    LV 11
    Katarina            STR   21
    HP:   68/68         SKL   24
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   34
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   31
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   14
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   34
                        SPD   22
    ATK   26   DEF  14  LUC   13

   Initial Equipment:
   Pointy Hat, Guard Robe, Cotten Mittens, Anklet
   Runes:  Lightning, Water
   Weapon: Naganara
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    5

Make your way to harbour area and you will fight...

   Pirate                      HP: ~150           Potch: 300
   Pirate                      HP: ~150
   The battle will be quite easy since you have Katarina in your
   party. You might want to test her Rune magic poweress.
   Items: N/A

After the battle is over, you will fight another battle

   Pirate A                    HP: ~150           Potch: 450
   Pirate                      HP: ~180
   Pirate B                    HP: ~150
   Well, an additional pirate will not make much difference.
   Have Katarina cast Berserk Blow while other 3 members do the
   Items: N/A

After another scene, you will fight another battle.

   Pirate A                    HP: ~150           Potch: 450
   Pirate                      HP: ~200
   Pirate B                    HP: ~150
   Have Katarina cast Berserk Blow while other 3 members do the
   Items: ? Painting ("Flower")

This is followed by some more dramatic cutscenes and it starts to
rain. Katarina and the remaining members will leave the party as
well. Make your way to the rooftop and this is followed by one
of game's most dramatic cutscenes. You will be in a black hole.
Hero is being equipped with the Rune of Punishment. Just keep on
running towards the light and you will fight

   Mysterious Shadow           HP: ????           Potch: N/A

   Your Rune command has been disabled. Just attack the shadow
   and it will trigger a cutscene.
   Items: N/A

Abandoned - Exile Ship
Items:    Rune of Punishment, Cotton Robe, Cooton Mittens, Sandals,
          Medicine x10, Steamed Bun
SOD:      2 of the following characters
          - Tal, Paula, Keneth, Jewel (12 and 14)
          Chiepoo (11) - Cotton Robe, Cotton Mittens, Sandals

You will be back at your own room. Katarina will visit you and you
will be given the following prompts:-

a) I did not kill the Commander...
b) ...I understand

Pick either one and Katarina will leave your room. You will be given
a new outfit (which looks much cooler that slobbish knight outfit)
and two crew members will visit you. If you pick Keneth and Jewel, you
will see Tal and Paula visiting you.

Hero will be left abandoned on the ship and you will be rejoined with
your members that you have selected previously. There will be a
couple of cutscenes and you will meet another new friend, Chiepoo.

    LV 6
    Chiepoo             STR   10
    HP:   49/49         SKL   19
    MP:   LV 1:  1/1    MAG   14
          LV 2:  0/0    EVA   21
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   12
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   11
                        SPD   20
    ATK   45   DEF  12  LUC   25

   Initial Equipment:
   Cotton Robe, Cotton Mittens, Sandals
   Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Gouda
   WPN LVL    3
   WPN LVL    35

If you choose to anchor, you will be able to buy items from Chiepoo
if you talk to him.

Chiepoo's Shop
Medicine                 20p
Broiled Fish             100p
Mackerel Miso Stew       150p
Jizo Clock               500p

Search the hatch and you will find a chest containing 10x Medicine &
10x Steamed Bun! Of course, your beloved save point is there too (^_^)

(S) Save your game

Merchant Ship
Items:   Treasure Map, Medicine, Dragon's Bone, Dragon Scale

Set sailed and fight a couple of random battles...

 Enemies: Wild Seaweed, Muddy Fish, Fly Lizard

You will get a couple of equipment changes too. Hero will get the
classic Twin Fang weapon and he will deal two hits instead of the
normal one hit. After 2 random battles, this is followed by a
cutscene. You meet Colton, an old geezer ^_^). Talk to the knight
dressed in a black cloak. Head for the Cabin and talk to Colton.
Choose to rest...

Search the desk for a Treasure Map. Exit the cabin. There will be a
cutscene and you will fight...

   ???                         HP: ????           Potch: N/A
   Colton                      HP: ????

   You can win the battle as the mysterious man and Colton deals
   around 200 HP per attack.
   Items: N/A

You will get some cutscenes and you will find that the mysterious
man is actually Sir Troy (Haven't you been paying attention to the
"history classes" before?)

   Kooluk Soldier A            HP: 180            Potch: 400p
   Kooluk Soldier B            HP: 180

   The battles are started to getting tougher. The Kooluk
   Soldier has the ability to use Clay Guardian. It takes around
   4 hits to finish them off.
   Items: Medicine

Move around a bit and you will fight another 2 more soldiers and
you will be back on the exile ship. Set sail for while fight a random
battle against 2x Fly Lizards and a big one is coming...

   Water Dragon                HP: 1300             Potch: 1000p

   The battle is quite hard as the boss is quite strong. Its
   wind slash attack does around 40 to 50 HP damage to all allies
   & it's zap breath does around 18 HP damage along with the
   sleep status. Just keep your character's HP above 40 and 50
   HP. Have Chiepoo to use the Steamed Bun to restore HP while
   if your allies have Kindess Drops water Rune spell, it helps
   a lot in the battle.
   Items: Dragon Scale, Dragon's Bone

You will blown off and end up on a deserted island.

Deserted Island
Items:   Necklace, Lucky Ring, Water Amulet, Guard Ring, Crab Bun,
         Giant Crab's Shell, Seashell, Shell
Potch:   3280p

Everyone will be lying on the ground unconsicious. Talk to everyone
twice and they will rejoin your party and a member will suggest that
you should take a look around the vicinity.

The first path behind the save port leads to a Dense Forest. Head
north and move pass yellow marker and you will find a Necklace
headgear. Equip it on Chiepoo. The southern end leads to the edge
of island.

The northeast path leads to the Boulder Shade where is nothing on
there. Return back to the beach and take the northwest path. Enter
the cave and head north twice. You will have reached the Subterranean
Lake area. There is a green cloudy point - that's a recover point.

Once you have visited all areas, it will trigger another cutscene and
you will be given 2 prompts:

a) Then we'll have to escape
b) This place doesn't seem so bad.*

(If you pick the bottom option and choose another 2 times. It will
 lead to the bad ending.)

Day 1
Choose to the first option. Chiepoo will volunteer to take care of
food and you will assign your tasks.

1) Cutting down the trees
2) Make some rope
3) Collect cocunuts

You will find Chiepoo on the beach and he will offer the same items
that you can bought at the exile ship.

Gather Cocunut   - Head for the edge of the island. You will find
                   coconuts on the patch there. (Cocounut)
Cut down Trees   - Head for the Dense Forest and proceed to Hill
                   area. Search for trees with a glowing spot. (Wood)
Make some rope   - Search the beach for for Old Rope

Once you have gather 3 of the objects, make your way to the cave.
Be careful as there are random battles here.

 Enemies: Pearl Crab (cave), Giant Bat (cave), Wild Crab (forest)

Make your way to the Subterranean Lake and it will trigger a cutscene.
Hero will meet a mermaid who ran away the moment she saw Hero. Move
north and pick up the blinking object where you will get a Lucky Ring.

Exit the cave and gather your members. Visit the Boulder Shade and
you will be able to choose to rest and you will get some cutsenes.

Day 2
You will allowed to assign tasks again. Choose a different one. Won't
you be bored if you choose same task? Once you are done with the task,
visit the Subterranean Lake. The mermaid will leave you another
accessory - a Water Amulet. Exit the cave. Proceed to Boulder Cave
and choose to rest.

Day 3
Do a different assignment. Make your way to Subterranean Lake and
you meet the Mermaid for the 3rd time.

a) I will do none of that
b) Are you asking me to?

Choose the top option. Pick up the blinking object and you will get
the last accessory from the mermaid - a Guard Ring. Gather all your
members and choose to rest.

Well, your ship is ready and it loosk pretty weird IMO... Talk to
your members and you will find Chiepoo is missing. The mermaid comes
out and blurting out funny stuff at your party...

Make your way to the Hill vai the Dense Forest and you will find
Chiepoo being chased by crabs and you will fight...

   Wild Crab A                 HP: 90               Potch: N/A
   Boss Crab                   HP: ????
   Wild Crab B                 HP: 90

   Destroy the wild crabs first and attack the Giant Crab with
   your normal attacks.

   Items: N/A

This is followed by a cutscene and you will be given the following

a) "I'll try using the power of the Rune!"
b) "I can't use the power of this Rune!"

Pick the top option. The boss will become exposed and 6 more wild
crabs appear on the map.

   Wild Crab A                 HP: 90               Potch: 3280
   Wild Crab B                 HP: 90
   Wild Crab C                 HP: 90
   Boss Crab                   HP: 1300
   Wild Crab D                 HP: 90
   Wild Crab E                 HP: 90
   Wild Crab F                 HP: 90

   Start off by casting Berserk Blow which should eliminate all
   the wild crabs with 1 blow. While the remaining 2 characters
   attack the boss. The crab has two main attacks - a breath
   attack that does around 45 HP damage to a single character
   while breath type attack that does around 30 HP damage to all
   allies. By this time, Hero should have a Kindness Rain if his
   level is around level 24. Use it when your party's HP is
   critical low. As like before Chiepoo does not have any Rune,
   thus have him use items to heal the wounds. Focus all your
   attacks and make use of attack spells especially Hero's
   Punishment Rune.

   Items: Crab Bun, Giant Crab's Shell, Seashell, Shell

You will be at dark hole again and you will fight the mysterious
shadow. Attack it. Hero will be finally awake after some scenes.
Talk to one of your allies and pick the first option.

A new journey...
Items:   Water Rune Piece, Jizo Clock, Mega Medicine, Treasure Map
Potch:   1600p

There will be some scenes and you will know that the mermaid is called
Lilin. Set sail and fight 2 random battles and this is followed by
another boss fight:

   Killer Ray                  HP: 900              Potch: 1600
   Killer Ray                  HP: 900

   The killer ray looks like sting ray to me. They have a
   combined attack that does 60+ HP damage to all allies.
   Therefore it is highly recommend that you killed one of them
   off first. The laser beam attack does around 40+ HP to one
   ally. When one of the Rays' HP is low, they can cast a
   restorative spell that cures around 40+ HP. That is the
   signal that one of the Rays is dying. Go for the killer.
   Attack spells are extremely useful. Use Hero's Eternal Ordeal
   if you have it.

   Items: Water Rune Piece, Jizo Clock, Mega Medicine

Talk to everyone and your team will be saved by another ship. You will
meet Desmond and you will be given another prompt:

a) I'm Hero
b) ........

Pick the top option. Desmond got scared off as he looks into Hero's
left hand and you will meet Flare. Make your way to the cabin. There
is a save point where you can save your game. Search the desk behind
the princess for another Treasure Map. Talk to the princess. Talk to
everyone and lastly talk to Desmond. It will be continued with another

Kingdom of Obel - Start of the Journey
Items:   Treasure Map, Lottery Ticket, Soap, Ruins Entry Permit
SOD:     Desmond (#100) <assistant>
         Louise (#101) <inn keeper>
         Chadli (#108) <equipment shop>
         Tov (#70) <shipwright>

- Harbour -
Search the barrels near the spot where the ship is docked. You will
find another Treasure Map there. Exit the harbour via the central path.


             Ruins _______          _ Cliff Path _ Base
                          \        /
                      ____ Town Square D__
                     |                    |
              Town Square C               |
         (Inn, Equipment Shop & Rune      |
             Shop)   |                  Town Square B
                     |                 (Smithery & Armor Shop)
                     |                   /
                Town Square A           /
          (Trading Post, Lottery Shop)_/

- Town Square A -
Well, it has been a long since you have seen such scenery. At the
southwest corner is the Trading Post. There is a merchant and you can
pay 100p for some information. It is about discarded ancient books
with Na-Nal. There are 3 shops in this area. You will find Yu, a
doctor where you need to pay 500p for him to heal your status
ailments. Next, to the appraiser shop is another Lottery shop. The
appraiser is Nabokou whom you can recruit later in the game.

Talk to the girl next the shop and you can get a Lottery Ticket!
(And surpisingly, your characters can equip it as an headgear.) Take
the pathway that leads from the lottery shop.

- Town Square B -
In this part of area, there are 2 woman at the washing bay along with
Ornan. Talk to the lady dressed in pink and you will get a Soap. Within
the same area, you will find the smithery and the armor shop. You can
upgrade your character's weapon to level 6. Don't be shocked to see
your potch being used up quickly. Move up the stairs and it will lead
to the area where you see a deserted area.

- Town Square D -
Make your way up the stairs and you will reached an area with two
large buildings. There is a guy being trapped inside in the house on
the right. Now take the north path up and you will reached the Palace.
Now take the path south and head to area C.

- Town Square C -
There is a Inn on the left hand side of the area. The equipment is in
the middle and it is advisible to get some Escape Talisman, which can
be very useful when you fighting in dungeons. Visit the Rune Shop and
equip a Rune for Chiepoo.

   Shopping List
   Trading Post (A)                 Armor Shop (B)
   ____________________________     _____________________________
   Bad Gold Ore                     Shoes                    120p
   Bad Cotton Cloth                 Knee Socks               350p
   Bad Flax Cloth                   Anklet                   400p
   Sugar                            Iron Boots               500p
   Soy Sauce                        Wirstbands               250p
   Soap                             Bangle                   250p
   Crystal Ball                     Kite Shield             3500p
   Candle                           Tunic                    120p
   Fur                              Chain Mail               350p
   Native Costume                   Happi Coat               600p
   Holly Berry                      Wool Loincloth           700p
   Deer Antler                      Corset                   800p
   Book                             Iron Mail               1600p
   Herbal Medicine                  Linen Outfit            1500p
   Wine                             Forehead Guard           120p
                                    Circlet                  120p
   Equipment Shop  (C)              Iron Helm                500p
   _______________________________  Guard Ring              2000p
   Medicine                   20p   Counter Ring           20000p
   Mega Medicine             150p
   Antitoxin                  50p   Rune Shop (C)
   Escape Talisman           200p   ______________________________
   Jizo Clock                500p   Sunbeam Orb            10000p
   Thunder Amulet           2200p   Lightning Orb            500p
                                    Earth Orb                500p
   Appraiser (A)          200p      Water Orb                500p
   Smithery (B)                     Equip Fee                300p
   _______________________________  Remove Fee               300p
   Can upgrade weapon to LV 6

   Inn (C)                240p


- Palace -
There is a man in the courtyard. Talk to him and head north. The
northwest path leads to the ruins, which is unaccessible at this point
of time. Enter the palace.

You will meet Setsu at the Antechamber and followed by Princess Flare
and Desmond. You will also meet the King of Obel - Lino En Kludes and
you will receive the Ruins Entry Permit, which allows you to access
the ruins. Next Lino will tell Desmond to bring you to your new "home".

Talk to the path heading northwest.

- Cliff Path -
 Enemies: Killer Rodent
 - Be careful as the Rodents are able to perform a suicide attack
   that could instantly kill a character!

Just move north up the cliff path and you will reach a cave. Well it
turns out to be a base. You will meet Louise who will be guarding the
saloon of yoru base. She will join you along with Tov and Chadli.
From now onwards, you can start recruiting 108 stars of destiny, a
tradition that has been present in the Suikoden series. One of the
old Knights of Gaien member will talk to Hero and you will be given
the following prompt:

a) You're right. Let's do our best
b) Living on this island might be fun too.

Pick the top option and your members will left your party. Talk to
Louise and you can choose to stay in the inn or save your game. Talk
to her and you can setup your party members. You can even have Louise
as a support character. Now make your way up the stairs and proceed to
Hero's room. Go and rest... You will have another cutscenes. Go down
the stairs and talk to Desmond and you will find out that you can use
the patrol ship. If you have added Louise as your support member, you
can talk to Desmond to reform your party. Head for the Saloon and talk
to Louise to form your party.

Now you have 2 choices. The first one is go and wreck the ruins, which
is unadvisable as the enemies are really tough there or do some
exploration using the patrol ship, which is at the harbour. Hence,
let's do some side quests, gains some levels and upgrade your

Town of Obel
Items:   Seashell
SOD:     Ornan (#64) - Wool Loincloth, Shin Guards

Exit your base and there will be some cutscenes. Visit the palace and
talk to the granny at the antechamber for a Seashell. You will find
Noah and you can play a card game ranging from 500 to 5000 and it is
a tough one unless you know the rules. Exit the antechamber and you
will find Ema and Gary at the courtyard. Head for the washing area
and talk to Ornan.

All right
That would be a little...

Choose the top option and he will join your party.

    LV 11                              Notes:
    Ornan               STR   29       You cannot disarm the Waking
    HP:   130/130       SKL   34       Rune from Ornan. He starts off
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   30       in Sleep status and can only be
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   22       awaken once he was hit by a
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   30       physical attack.
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   33
                        SPD   40
    ATK   49   DEF  30  LUC   42

   Initial Equipment:
   Wool Loincloth, Shin Guards
   Runes:  Waking Rune
   Weapon: Sheep's Horn
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    20

(If you want him in your party, go to your base and talk to Louise or
 Desmond to change your members)

Proceed to the harbour and talk to the guard. Don't bother to head
anchor your ship as there is nothing to take. Do not head too far off
Obel otherwise your character will be in trouble if you encounter
enemies that are too strong for your party. I would recommend you to
get everyone's weapon level for your current party to level 6 and best
defensive equipment for everyone in your current party. Bring Louise
as your support party.

 Around in the World

 The world of Suikoden is bound by endless seas and surprisingly when
 you reach the "borders" of the map, your ship will automatically
 U-turn. As your party isn't quite strong at the moment, I suggest
 you to travel within the area where you find Obel, Mordo Island, Nay
 Island and Na-Nal.

 Please note that HP are based on my estimations. Apparently, enemies'
 HP will gain as Hero and his parties level up.

 Enemies: Speckled Ray, Jellyfish Man, Poison Lizard (near Obel),
          Giant Bat (near Obel), Fly Lizard (near Na-Nal), Damp
          Hairball (near Na-Nal), Demon Hairball (east of Obel)
          Spiny Grecko (east of Obel), Leviathan (rare)

 - Most of the time in the ocean, you will encounter Speckled Ray or
   Jellyman Fish. Avoid heading east of Obel at this point of time
   as your party are considered weak and you may encounter enemies
   that are beyond your reach and you may end up anchoring after a
   battle is over. Once you encounter the Leviathan, I recommend you
   to escape as it has a whooping 7000+ HP...

Mordo Island
Items:   Treasure Map, Window Set 4

The small pointed hilly island is located a bit northwest off Obel.
Sail until you find a brown pointy island. Board it and you have
reached Mordo Island. If you observe carefully on the map, there is
a pitch of brown colour surrounding that region. If you still have
problem in getting the world, please refer to the world map that can
be found at GameFAQs <>

 Enemies: Killer Rodent, Paradise Bee, Blue Rodent, Yellow Rodent,
          Red Rodent, Rodent Leader

 - Killer Rodents has a high possibility to inflict a suicide attack
   that kills one character and itself. Hence, take note.

 - Paradise Bee's attack can cause Poison.

 - The Rodents could inflict the balloon status on your characters.
   They will normally appear in gangs of either one of these 2

 Formation #1
 Rodent Leader x2 & Yellow Rodent x2
 Items: Stone of Speed, Wind Rune Piece, 1360p
 This is more common formation that you will like to encounter while
 on Mordo Island. Just attack the Rodent Leaders first and finish off
 the remaining Rodents.

 Formation #2
 Rodent Leader, Yellow Rodent x2, Blue Rodent x2, Red Rodent x2
 Items: Stone of Magic, Wind Rune Piece, 2520p
 If you saw this combination of enemies, start to use an attack
 spell especially Hero's Double-Edged Swd if you have it. Since the
 purpose of battling in Mordo Island is to gain levels and training.
 You can also use Rush attack (when the yellow bar below the character
 status is maxed out)

You will encounter random battles while on the island and they aren't
easy unless your members are around level 25 and above. There are 2
tents on the harbour planks. One of them leads to a hot springs where
you can go for a dip to restore your lost HP and MP while other one
is a trading post. There is an informant who will offer you some
information when you paid him 100p. Search the baskets behind the
Hot Spring Tent and you will get another Treasure Map. There is a
chest behind the trading post and you can get Window Set 4 item.

   Trading Post
   Bad Iron Ore
   Normal Iron Ore
   Bad Silver Ore
   Bad Gold Ore
   Normal Gold Ore
   Bad Cotton Cloth
   Bad Wool Cloth
   Soy Sauce
   Crystal Ball
   Deer Antler
   Herbal Medicine

Stock up any crystal balls you find here as they are being sold here
are *extremely* cheap (I got them for 44p each) Talk to the Obel
soldier and you are ready set off. It is an ideal place for training
and earning money since you can use the spring for an infinite amount
of times.

Items:    Wool Loincloth, Treasure Map x3, Old Book Volume 6

   Shopping List
   Smithery                         Inn (High Ground)
   ____________________________     _____________________________
   Can level up weapons to LV 7     480p per night

       High Ground (Inn)
          /   |
         /    /
       Nay __/
     Harbour - Stonecutter's - Suspension  - Nay-Kobold
               Field           Bridge        Settlement

- Harbour Area -
As you unboard from your ship, proceed to the stairs that is heading
down. You can find a chest containing Wool Loincloth. Now make your
way up and head for the Town, which can be accessed via the middle
path. The northeast path leads to Kobold Settlement. Ignore that for
the time being. Go to the town instead.

- Town -
You will find the smithery at the lower right end of the map.
Northeast from the smithery, you will find a chest and it contains
another Treasure Map. Visit the Village Chief's house. Search the
bookshelf there for another Treasure Map. Now take the path heading
northeast leading from here and you will reach the High Ground area.

- High Ground (Inn)"-
Pay a visit to the inn and you can rest at there. The rooms are
accessible unlike the previous inns that you have visited earlier. The
room in northwest end contains a chest that have another Treasure Map
(Gee... how many are there?).  Search the left bookshelf and you will
find an Old Book Volume 6. Exit the Inn and make your way to the Harbor.

Nay-Kobold Settlement
Items:    Treasure Map x2, Lightning Orb, Old Book Volume 3
SOD:      Perrault (83) <newspaper>

- Stonecutter's Field -
You will encounter random battles on this field. Search the tree
behind the large boulder for a chest and it contians another Treasure

 Enemies: Golden Wolf, Killer Fly, Savage Sprout

 - Golden Wolf has an attack that could cause your character turn
   into stone (counter it with Kindness Drops)
 - Killer Fly has an attack that could cause poison
 - Savage Sprout has a lot of HP (around 500HP) and has an attack
   that could gobble 3 members of the party for damage and
   ocassionally causing poison.

Make your way down the pathway and you will reach Suspension Bridge.
Move past the yellow marker and you will reach Nay-Kobold Settlement.
Oh boy, it looks a circus to me ^_^

There is a lottery post and you will meet Bang there. I almost miss it
^_^). It is on right side of the path that leads to the upper area of
settlement. On the left side of the path, you will find the trading
post. There is a merchant who will give you information when you pay
him 100p. Gold ore could fetch a good price in Obel. You will meet
Perrault who is on the left of the counter. Talk to him.

Pick the top option and choose the top option again for the
subsequent prompt. Pick any of the following options and he will join

   Trading Post
   Bad Iron Ore
   Bad Silver Ore
   Bad Flax Cloth
   Soy Sauce
   Crystal Ball
   Native Costume
   Holly Berry
   Flower Seed

There is a chest containing a Lightning Orb in the northeast corner
of the area. The chest is located behind the appraiser. Move up the
walkway that contours around the building behind the lottery shop and
you will find a pathway leading a lone resisdence house where you will
meet Bartholomew. Move up the swirling path within his house and it
will lead you to a chest containing Old Book Volume 3!

Take a turn off the right of his house and you will reach a large purple
building where you find the hotspring. Search the tree behind the
hotspring building (you need to go to the back from the left side and
you will find another Treasure Map) Now, there is nothing much to do
except for hitting seas for more exploration.

Items:   Treasure Map x 4, Stone of Strength
SOD:     Mitsuba (13) - Iron Helm, Iron Mail, Iron Boots
         Reinhold (14) - Iron Mail, Iron Boots, Lightning Rune
         Rita (15) - Chain Mail, Gauntlet, Shin Guards, Star Earrings

Head east off from Nay and you will find Na-Nal. It is a large island
hence it is hard to miss it in my opinion.

 Enemies: Paradise Bee
 - Like Killer Flies, they could also cause Poison

- Harbour -
At the harbour, you will find another trading post. There is another
informant and paying 100p to him and tell you that orbs that lights
up Na-Nal could fetch a high price in Na-Nal.

   Trading Post
   Bad Silver Ore
   Normal Silver Ore
   Bad Flax Cloth
   Bad Wool Cloth
   Crystal Ball
   Native Costume
   Ancient Text

On the beach, you will find a small deserted boat. Move in there and
search the basket for a Treasure Map item. There is also an chest
behind the ship. But be careful when you open it as you are going to

   Golden Hairball             HP: 450              Potch: 1000

   It is quite easy if your character are at a decent level. It
   just like a breeze walk in the park.

After the battle, you will get another Treasure Map. Make your way
north and you will reached the seaside town of Na-Nal.

- Seaside Town -

   Shopping List
   Equipment Shop
   Medicine                 20p
   Mega Medicine           150p
   Antitoxin                50p
   Cough Drop               50p
   Needle                   50p
   Escape Talisman         200p
   Jizo Clock              500p

   Inn - 360p per night

The left side of the screen leads to the equipment shop. Right of the
screen, you will find the inn. Inside the inn, you will meet Rita.
Talk to her and you will be able to play the tiles mini-game (which is
a cheesy version of mahjong) for 500p. Beat her in her mini-game & she
will joins you. Please refer to the sidequests section for more
details. Save your game at the Inn prior to play a game with her. It
also helps you to save some cash. You need to win her overall, i.e.
beat her 6 times or more in 10 games. The area right from the equipment
shop leads to the hot spring. Return back to the town.

There is nothing much other than heading north to the next area.

- Hillside Town -

   Shopping List
   Armor Shop                       Rune Shop
   ____________________________     _____________________________
   Leg Armor               700p     Medicine Orb            5000p
   Silver Bracers         3000p     Killer Orb              5000p
   Wool Mittens            500p     Alert Orb              10000p
   Wool Robe              2600p     Wind Orb                 500p
   Wool Vest              2100p     Water Orb                500p
   Silver Chain           3600p     Fire Orb                 500p
   Wool Hat                700p
   Silver Circlet         2000p     Equip/Remove Rune        300p
   Lucky Ring            20000p
   Speed Ring            20000p


In this area, you will find the armor shop on the right. Search the
crates next it and you will find ANOTHER Treasure Map. Head north
and visit the Rune Shop. Search the closet near the mirror and you
will find ANOTHER Treasure Map. Move further up and you meet Reinhold
is guarding a gate. Talk to him.

- Gathering Square -
You will encounter random battles in this area.

Make your way back to the Gathering Square. There should be a woman
in the square right. Talk to her. It is Mitsuba

Come and work with us.
Then, would you like to join us?

                  Fencing Battle #3 - Vs. Mitsuba
  If you got this quote below, you should get all smiles ^_^

  All right, all right! I'm starting to get into it!! I'm gonna to
  kill you!! Choose Guard and it is over..

  It is very lucky if you get this on the first time. Beacause Hero
  will just kill her with one hit if you choose Guard and Full
  Power. This scenario appears to happen only if Hero is slightly
  wounded in the battle.

  Quote                                              Use
  First Let's see how good you are!               -> Attack
  You're dead!!                                       -> Guard
  Hahaha not yet, not yet!                                     -> Special
  Whew, I'll see how it goes far a bit            -> Attack
  Come & get me!                                  -> Attack

  If you lose, you need to pay 1000 potch!

After you defeat her, just pick the top option. She will joins you with

    LV 20                           LV 17
    Mitsuba             STR   99    Reinhold            STR   54
    HP:   234/234       SKL   33    HP:    173/173      SKL   42
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   33    MP:    LV 1: 3/3    MAG   33
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   30           LV 2: 1/1    EVA   45
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   38           LV 3: 0/0    PDF   25
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   46           LV 4: 0/0    MDF   33
                        SPD   36                        SPD   30
    ATK   119  DEF   38 LUC   72    ATK    72   DEF  25 LUC   29

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Iron Helm, Iron Mail, Iron      Iron Mail, Iron Boots
   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Lighting
   Weapon: Stone Breaker           Weapon: Baby Bamboo Spear
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    20                   WPN PWR     18

    LV 19
    Rita                STR   37
    HP:   137/137       SKL   60
    MP:   LV 1:  6/6    MAG   84
          LV 2:  3/3    EVA   96
          LV 3:  1/1    PDF   38
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   44
                        SPD   49
    ATK   57   DEF  56  LUC   79

   Initial Equipment:
   Chain Mail, Gauntlet, Shin Guards
   Star Earrings
   Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Lovely Hammer
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    20

* I got these stats when I return back to the base in Obel.

The path on the most right hand corner leads to an empty jail with a
treasure that you can't access it at the momment. The northeast path
leads to the Gorge where you will have some storyline event The
lefthand most path leads to the Chief's house. Visit it and you
will find a chest containing Stone of Strength, which adds +1 to a
character's attack permanently. I would normally opt this for the main
lead. Use it on Hero.

It is time to make your way back to Obel...

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