Thursday, July 24, 2014


Obel - Ancient Ruins
Items:   Thunder Amulet, Magic Hand, One-Piece Dress, Window Set 2,
         Platinum, ? Ornament, Mega Medicine x4, Mushroom x3, Escape
Potch:   7500p
SOD:     Ragki (32) <support - found treasure>
         Rikie (33) <support - healing>


 Enemies: Unicorn, Skeleton, Killer Rodent

 - Unicorn can perform a spell-type attack that does around 75 HP to
   one ally or 35 Hp to all allies. When you spot one, kill it off
 - Skeletons will appear in groups and they will sometime in a mix
   along with Unicorn. They will be killed only when all enemies in
   that battle has been killed.

 These enemies are tough. Make sure that you have ample supply of
 Medicine and conserve your magic especially Hero's Eternal Ordeal
 which is an excellent magic against the boss.

The ruins can be accessed via the path on the left from the Palace.
You will find a boy there. He is Ragki and he will be your tour guide
in the ruins.

The ruins is rather complex but it is nowhere as complex as ruins in
other games like Final Fantasy. In the first area, make your way down
the stairs that are close to the door way. The path in the lower area
leads to a chest containing a Thunder Amulet. Return back to the main
area and you will find another chest nearby. It contains 5000 potch.

Map A
    __| |____________            A: 5000p
   |           ______ Empty      B: Thunder Amulet
   |________  |_____
   |A      |   _____ Start
   |        --|_____
   |________________  B

Move the stairs and move towards the pathway leading north and you
will have a cutscene. You will find out that Ragki is first time
here... (Feel unsafe?) Move through the pathway.

There is t-junction here. The path leading towards right will allow you
to get a chest containing a Magic Hand. Make your way towards left. You
will find an angled pathway similar to the one that you seen before
entering ruins. There is a pathway and a split path with a chest nearby
it. The chest contains a One-Piece Dress. The pathway in the north leads
to a chest which contains an Angel Hairball, which is way too strong for
your party at the moment. (Hint: It has 3000 HP!)

Choose to retreat if you accidentally open the treasure chest. Take the
split path leading from the chest. You will find another walkway with a
split path. Take the split path and you will reach a bending junction.
Move and you will reach an area similar to the one that you have been
to earlier.

Map B
      | |_______  ____________      Legend
      |  ________X_____   ___X B    X:  Yellow markers
      | |              | |          SP: Save Point
       X                X           A:  Window Set 2
    __| |______   _____| |          B:  Mega Medicine
   |     SP   _ X _______|
   |________  |_____      
   |       |   _____ A
   |        --|_____
   |________________  Start

Move to point A and you will find a chest that is very close to the
doorway and you will get a Window Set 2 item. Use the save point. Save
your game. Take the path leading right from the save point. You will
reach a bending junction. Once in the next area, you will find another
t-junction. The path on the right leads to a chest containing a Mega
Medicine. Move towards the other side or retrace back your pathway to
the save point & head for the boss meeting point. Upon reaching that
spot, Ragki will comment on an incoming aura...

   Guard              HP: 1500                       Potch: 1000
   Do not use all your spells as there is a 2ND battle after a
   series of cutscenes unless you intend to use Mushrooms to
   restore HP. I got 6 Lv1 MP for Hero. Hero's Eternal Ordeal
   works extremely well. It has a crystal shell attack that does
   around 90 HP damage to an ally along with a sonic wave attack
   that does 70 HP damage to all allies. Just keep your
   character's HP above 150 HP and you will be fine.

   Items: ? Ornanment (Good Luck Cat), Platinum

Inner Ruins

 Enemies: Killer Rodent, Rodent Leader, Yellow Rodent, Red Rodent,
          Blue Rodent

Move up the area and you will reach the inner ruins. There is a save
point. Use it and search the chest for 3x Mega Medicine, 3x Mushroom
and an Escape Talisman. Head north and in the new area.

You will find an old lady near a tree. Search the tree first for a
Treasure Map item. The lady is Rikie. Talk to her and there will
be scenes and you will learn more about the Rune of Punishment. Pick
any answer as you are being prompted. Search the tree for another
Treasure Map. Restore MP if you needed. Exit the area and you will

   Guard              HP: 2000                       Potch: 1500
   The boss have two large arms along with more hit points. Its
   mega punch does around 100 HP damage to an ally. Just dish
   out your strongest spell. Use Eternal Ordeal and followed by
   Rush to restore Hero's HP.

   Items: Diamond, Iron Hammer

After defeating the boss, you will be outside the ruins with Rakgi and
Rikie joins your party. Make your way to your HQ and you will meet
Manu there. Visit your HQ first before talking to him. Sleep and
restore some hit points. Save your game and you might want to bring
Rikie as your support character instead of Louise as it is more easy
to change members by talking to Louise than Desmond...

Exit your base and talk to Manu. Pick the top option and you will be
heading to the harbour in a split second! Board the ship.

Sea of Obel
Items:   Medicine x6
Potch:   1200
S.O.D:   Lilin (097) <accessory>

There will be a cutscene aboard the ship. You will meet Lilin. Move to
the big white dot on the compass (well, it is a bit too big...) This
is followed by a prompt:

a) We'll never hand her over to you!
b) I cannot do that.

Pick either one of the prompts and you will be forced to fight..

   Captain's Staff x3                                Potch: 600p
   It just took me less than 2 hits to finish off one of them.
   Hence it is an easy battle...

   Items: Medicine x3

This is is followed another...

   Captain's Staff x3                                Potch: 600p
   It is just like the previous one. No sweat.

   Items: Medicine x3

You will be given the following prompt:

a) Shoot them!!
b) Let them go.

The top option gives you a funny cutscene. Lilin will join your
party. Return the harbour and it will trigger a cutscene. It is
a naval battle!

                   Naval Battle #4 - Pirate Dario
 Pirate Dario vs Hero's Ship

 Victory conditions:
 Emerge victorious against Pirate Dario

 The opposition has 2 Rune shells, wind and fire.

 Opponents Stats
 Pirate Ship A
 Explore:     4
 Range:       3
 Endurance:   5
 Captain:     Dario
 Rune Cannon: Nalleo (Wind)
              Pirate (Fire)
 Underlings:  80

 You have 12 underlings by default. Your party's Rune will varies
 depending on the Runes on that you equipped on the character. Pick
 someone with the fire Rune. Fire is strong against Wind and Fire
 nullifies Fire. Just use fire...

This is followed by a series of cutscene. You will be introduced to
some new characters. Make your way back to the harbour. A soldier
will come and says that Desmond is looking for you. Make your way back
to the base. Talk to Desmond and Lino has a new mission for you, it is
to look for Oleg who resides at Nay now...

Searching for Oleg...
Items:   Nothing
SOD:     Oleg (82) <inventor>
         Cedric (20) <support - found treasure)

Talk to Manu and choose to take his transport and you will be brought
to the harbour automatically. At the harbour, talk to the Obel guard
and choose to board it. This is followed by a cutscene...

Set sail for Nay which is north off Mordo Island. You might want to
bring in other members for training at this moment of time as you
can upgrade their weapons as well.

Once at Nay, proceed to the high ground where you find the Inn. There
is a pathway leading to there from the Village Chief's house. You will
find a man at the open field east off the Inn. Talk to him and you
will be given the following prompt:

a) Yes, I would love to see it
b) Not surprising they don't understand.

Pick either one of the options and you will be asked to stay for a
night at the inn. Make your way to the inn. You will be brought inside
the room with Oleg and this is followed by cool cutscene. Go to your
bed and sleep.

Once you have exit from the inn, check out the invention and make your
way to the harbour of Nay. Go to the beach and there will be some more
cutscenes. Make your way back to Obel.

At the Obel, proceed to the Inn and stay in the inn. Proceed to the
palace and it will trigger a cutscene. Talk to the lady. Chase after
him and surprisingly he is actually running towards your base ^_^. At
the base, talk to Louise. Eventually, Cedric will join your party!

Make your way to the palace.

Rampage at Obel!
Items:   Nothing!
SOD:     Ramada (15) <story character>
         Akaghi (62) - Wool Vest, Silver Bracers 
         Mizuki (63) - Wool Robe, Shin Guards

Make your way to the Antechamber. A cutscene will follow. Eventually,
Oleg will join you! Exit the palace and make your way to the base
again. You cannot leave Obel at this point of time. Proceed to the
cliff path and it will trigger a cutscene and you will fight...

   Akaghi      HP: 600                               Potch: 940p
   Mizuki      HP: 600

   They are nowhere as hard as the previous bosses that you have
   fought. They are fast moving though and Mizuki has the
   ability to poison an ally with her attacks. If that happens,
   use an Antitoxin or Healing Wind to cure it.

   Items: Nothing!

There will be some cutscenes and apparently they are after the Rune
of Punishment. Make your way back to the palace. Lino will explains to
them about the consequences of possessing the Rune of Punishment.
They will join your party! Setsu seems a bit unhappy about Hero's
presence as he has caused a lot of trouble to Obel since he has arrived

Exit the Antechamber and it will be nighttime at the garden. Make your
way back to the headquarters. While along the cliff path, you will have
another cutscene and eventually this prompt will shows up:-

a) No choice... I must use the Rune...
b) No! I can't use the Rune

(If you choose the bottom option thrice, it will lead to a bad ending
 and gameover...)

Choose the top option. Eventually, this is followed by another naval

                   Naval Battle #5 - Defending Obel
 3rd Kooluk Fleet vs Obel Warship

 Victory conditions:
 Defeat the invaders of the Kingdom of Obel

 Both ships have 2 types of Rune shells. One has fire and wind and
 the other has wind and earth.

 Lino's Ship stats
 Obel Ship                    
 Explore:     4
 Range:       3
 Endurance:   5
 Captain:     Lino En Kuldes
 Rune Cannon: Soldier of Obel 1 (Fire)
              Soldier of Obel 2 (Wind)
 Underlings:  90

 Opponents Stats
 Kooluk Ship A                  Kooluk Ship B
 Explore:     4                 Explore:     4
 Range:       3                 Range:       3
 Endurance:   5                 Endurance:   3
 Captain:     Kooluk Captain    Captain:     Kooluk Captain
 Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Fire) Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Wind)
              K. Soldier (Wind)              K. Soldier (Earth)
 Underlings:  60                Underlings:  60

 You have 12 underlings by default. Equip 2 Fire Runes. Have your
 strongest party as your fighters. Just counter with Fire Rune as
 enemy attacks you. Fire is strong against Wind and nullifies Fire
 but you will still substain damage from Earth magic. Have at least
 60 Underlings for your ship. The enemy will attempt to board you
 i.e. attempt to enter your ship and forcing your fighters to fight
 them in a battle. It is an easy one. Fight fire with fire...

You will back at the dark hole again. You will fight Brandeau's Shadow
Just attack him. Back at your room. Make your way to the Saloon and it
will trigger and every one will talk about the Rune of Punishment.
Everyone is fighting for Hero *sob*

Stay for the night and recover the lost hit points. BTW, here is Mizuki
and Akaghi's stats.

    LV 25                           LV 25
    Akaghi              STR   63    Mizuki              STR   44
    HP:   242/242       SKL   61    HP:    212/212      SKL   65
    MP:   LV 1:  4/4    MAG   47    MP:    LV 1: 5/5    MAG   66
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   96           LV 2: 2/2    EVA   84
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   54           LV 3: 1/1    PDF   66
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   68           LV 4: 0/0    MDF   60
                        SPD   85                        SPD   95
    ATK    98  DEF   54 LUC   56    ATK    79   DEF  66 LUC   45

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Wool Vest, Silver Bracers       Wool Robe, Shin Guards

   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Shrike
   Weapon: Chakram                 Weapon: Damnacanthus
   WPN LVL    3                    WPN LVL     3
   WPN PWR    35                   WPN PWR     35

Items:   Silver Circlet*, Sliver Chain*
SOD:     Yu (22) <doctor>
         Adrienne (23) <smithy>

* Flare's equipment. If you don't take it off, you do it later in the
  game. But it is advisible as you need it now and you are low on

Make some preparations and prepare to hit the town. You will see that
Kooluk empire is attempting to invade Obel. Now return back to your
base and you will find everyone is missing. Proceed to the War Room
that is located at the 1st Floor passageway. There will be a couple
of scenes and you will know that the base is actually a ship. You
need to recruit some and Flare will join your party.

    LV 27                            Notes:
    Flare               STR   50     Seize the opportunity to get
    HP:   189/189       SKL   86     her equipment for your other
    MP:   LV 1:  5/5    MAG   68     members as she will be leaving
          LV 2:  2/2    EVA   77     your party soon.
          LV 3:  1/1    PDF   41
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   72     You will be unable to have
                        SPD   87     other members in the party at
    ATK   70   DEF  41  LUC   69     this moment of time except for
                                     support characters. Besides the
   Initial Equipment:                enemy aren't tough unless you
   Silver Circlet, Silver Chain      decide to visit the ruins...
   Runes:  Wind
   Weapon: Hathor
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    20

Your objective is locate some people and most importantly a doctor.
Proceed to the garden outside the palace and you will find that Ema
and Gary will not be leaving with you. You can't access the ruins
until you have gather everyone...

Proceed to the town and search the area for a man dressed in green
that is near the inn. This is followed by a cutscene of everyone has
deserting the town and they are making preparations. The inn owner &
Rune master are gone and you can still buy items. Proceed the washing
area. The smithery is still around. You can try to upgrade Flare's
weapon if you want. Talk to the women at the washing area and they
will leave for the ship. It trigger some scenes...

Make your way to the lower part of the town. You will find Adrienne
near the trading post. Talk to him and he will join you. Talk to Yu
too. He is the doctor you are looking for. Everyone has deserted the
shops. Proceed to the harbour.

At the harbour, talk to the man dressed in blue and Flare will tell
Hero that they should return back to the ship. From this point onwards,
you will be able to access the ruins. Once you are done with your tour
with the princess, make your way to the base. Flare will leave your

Proceed to the war room and Setsu will stay with Flare. You will be
given the following prompt:

a) Let's go
b) Please give me a moment

Choose the top option and this is followed by some very amusing
cutscenes. Choose "Set Sail" and OBEL ship will be departing for its
first voyage. You will be on the deck. Talk to everyone and you meet
some new faces. Attempt to enter the bridge and you will meet Kika
again. She will ask you to meet her at Nests of Pirates. Before
heading that, there are a lot of exploration to do.

Items:   Nothing...
SOD:     Haruto (106) <ship crew>
         Nico (68) <ship crew>
         Pablo (52) - Wool Robe
         Lino En Kludes (2) - Battle Suit, Silver Boots
         Mao (49) <cultivation>
         Nao (76) <cultivation>

The ship is HUGE. It has five storeys of area for you to explore. It
is so huge that I could make a section for it (^_^). BTW, here is the
stats of your newly recruited players:

    LV 31                           LV 26
    Lino En Kludes      STR   98    Pablo                STR   31
    HP:   185/185       SKL   68    HP:    155/155       SKL   74
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   44    MP:    LV 1: 6/6     MAG   75
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   45           LV 2: 3/3     EVA   38
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   86           LV 3: 1/1     PDF   31
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   53           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   54
                        SPD   52                         SPD   66
    ATK   173  DEF   86 LUC   64    ATK    36   DEF  31  LUC   88

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Battle Suit, Silver Boots       Wool Robe

   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Fire
   Weapon: Aten                    Weapon: Sphere Rod
   WPN LVL    5                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    75                   WPN PWR     5

From this point onwards, you can have 3 parties - 2 parties will be
usable when you fought random battles on the ship and your main party
will have Hero as the compulsory members. There is a lot of
recruitment as your huge ship looks a bit empty. Choose anchor and
rest in your room. Attempt to exit and Tov will talk to you about a
hidden room...

You will meet your first crew members - Chiepoo and the two Knights
of Gaien that you have recruited. Above the door that leads to the
bridge, you will meet Nico, who will be automatically recruited as
you gain control of OBEL ship. Proceed to the bridge and there will
be a stairs that leads to the 1st Floor Corridor

First Deck Corridor
You will find your room here along with Lino's room and a comment
box where people passed you their messages. There the door with a
inn sign leads to the Saloon and you will find Perrault's corner
- First Issue
  - Kingdom of Obel Occupied
  - Attention to Wanted Man!
  - Mother of Depression - Chapter 2

The door opposite the staircase leads to the deck. BTW, remember those
pots and objects that you can sent for appraisals at the appraiser
right? There is a desk in the room that allows you to place them for
decoration. You can also rest in your own room to restore lost HP.

Second Deck Corridor
You will find the war room along with Desmond. Talk him and you will
be given the following options:

- I want to see the roster
- I want to change members
- Nothing

You can view the 108 stars of destiny chart by selecting first option.
You will meet Rakgi here too. The door opposite the war room leads to
the rear deck.

In the saloon area, you will meet Louise along with Ornan. Talk to
Louise and you will be given the following options:

Rest a little
Change members
No thanks, I'm fine

Third Deck Corridor
You will reach the Boutiques area. It looks like a mini shopping to me.
You will find Adrienne there and you will be able to upgrade your
weapons to level 9! Besides upgrading weapon and attaching Rune pieces,
you can make equipment by combining materials that you have obtained
from battles.

Chadli will sell you items and equipment. Below is the shopping list.
Surprisingly, you can't sell items to him...

   Chadli's Shop
   Items                            Body gear
   ------------------------------   -------------------------------
   Medicine                   20p   Tunic                      120p
   Mega Medicine             150p   Leather Armour             250p
   Cough Drop                 50p   Chain Mail                 350p
   Needle                     50p   Happi Coat                 600p
   Antitoxin                  50p   Wool Loincloth             700p
   Jizo Clock                500p   Corset                     800p
   Escape Talisman           200p   Iron Mail                 1600p
   Broiled Fish              100p   Linen Outfit              1500p
   Mackerel Miso Stew        150p   Wool Vest                 2100p
                                    Wool Robe                 2600p
   Head gear                        Silver Chain              3600p
   Bandana                    80p   Foot gear
   Leather Helm              120p   -------------------------------
   Forehead Guard            120p   Sandals                     70p
   Circlet                   120p   Shoes                      120p
   Iron Helm                 500p   Knee Socks                 350p
   Wool Hat                  700p   Anklet                     400p
   Silver Circlet           2000p   Iron Boots                 500p
                                    Leg Armor                  700p
   Hand gear
   ------------------------------   Accessory
   Gloves                    120p   -------------------------------
   Wristbands                250p   Guard Ring                2000p
   Cotton Mittens            180p   Counter Ring             20000p
   Leather Gloves            180p   Lucky Ring               20000p
   Bangle                    150p   Speed Ring               20000p
   Wool Mittens              500p   Thunder Amulet            2200p
   Kite Shield              3500p
   Silver Bracers           3000p

In one of the rooms, you will meet Chiepoo! The central big room leads
to the bath room but you can't use it until you have recurited

Fourth Deck Corridor
There are series of rooms here. You will find the Doctor's room in the
first one that is closest to the stairs. In one of the rooms, you will
meet Rikie. The room in the most northeast corners leads to the
library where you will find Haruto and Oleg. Look carefully at the map
on the wall. Hope it helps... The doors on the left off the library
actually connects to each other...

Fifth Corridor

                Rune Cannon Control Room
                       |       |
     Accessory Atelier |       | Shipwright's Room
                       |       |
    (Forbidden Room) ? |____ __| Training Hall

Check the door in the southwest corner (i.e. the one that I mark ? on
my map. There will be someone speaking and you will given the
following prompt:

a) C-Can I come in?
b) Who am I? Who are YOU!?

Pick either one of the options and you will meet Mao inside the room
and given the following prompt:

a) You're growing mushrooms on this ship?
b) Please join us!

Pick either one of the options and he will join you. If you visit the
Accessory Atelier, you will meet Lilin and she will be able to combine
raw items in accessories! The shipwright's room allows you to meet Tov
and customize your ship. In the training hall, you will meet Reinhold.
In the Rune Cannon Control room, you will meet Pablo.

Return back to your room and sleep again. As you exit, Tov will comment
on the Forbidden Room again. Visit and you will find Nao there. You can
have him joining you! There is nothing much to do except for doing some
exploration. Activate the menu and choose Depart. Please note that you
can save anywhere while on the ship.

 Your navigation area has expanded and you will encounter tougher
 enemies if you sail a bit too far. I would recommend you to avoid
 the Razril region unless your party is around level 35. Keep your
 exploration within the middle and eastern region

 Enemies: Speckled Ray, Jellyfish Man, Poison Lizard (Obel), Giant
          Bat (Obel), Fly Lizard (Na-Nal), Damp Hairball (Na-Nal)
          Demon Hairball (Iluya, Donut), Spinny Grecko (Iluya, Donut),
          Red Ray (Iluya), Leviathan (rare), Metal Crab (Deserted),
          Rock Crab (Nest of Pirates)

 - A couple of new enemies is added to the list. But I would advise
   you to have a lot of magic users (who can cast group spells in
   your party when visiting Iluya or Donut region) as the enemies
   there are tougher than the ones you encounter normally.
 - Once you approach near Iluya, you will see that the sky is getting
   darker and starts to rain, that means you are close to Iluya.
 - If you encounter Leviathan on the battle, choose to escape as I
   stated earlier, it has a lot of HP.
 - Near the Deserted Island, you can encounter a larger version of
   the Rock Crab and it has around 4500 HP. So it might take sometime
   to kill it, but it is within your ability to take it down.

Nay Island - Nay-Kobold Settlement
Items:  Message Bottle, Glowing Hand Mirror
SOD:    Bang (53) <lottery shop>
        Bartholomew (50)- Battle Suit, Gauntlet
        Viki (78) - Wool Robe, Shell Sandals, Blinking Rune

 Enemies: Golden Wolf, Savage Sprout, Killer Fly

Make some preparations and you might want to upgrade Mizuki & Akaghi's
weapon before taking them out for battles. Talk to Adreinne and you
will hand over the Iron Hammer to him. Visit and read Perrault's
article and you read something about Bartholomew.

At the harbour, search the beach for a Message Bottle key item. It is
located near the shoreline of the beach.

Proceed to Nay-Kobold Settlement. Move pass the suspension bridge and
you will meet someone who appears out of nowhere (!). Enter the
settlement area.

Enter the settlement. Talk to Bang who is at the lottery post. Recruit
him. Proceed up the stairs and move into the residence house where you
meet Bartholomew earlier. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit
him. Exit Nay-Kobold and make your way to suspension bridge. You will
meet the girl (Viki) and you will be able to recruit her! You will
get the Glowing Hand Mirror key item, which allows you to teleport back
to the ship! From now onwards, you will find Viki at the 2nd Deck
corridor with the teleporting mirror that allows you to access areas
instantly that you have visited before!

    LV 27                           LV 26
    Viki                STR   40    Bartholomew          STR  101
    HP:   145/145       SKL  114    HP:    279/279       SKL   39
    MP:   LV 1:  6/6    MAG   89    MP:    LV 1: 3/3     MAG   39
          LV 2:  3/3    EVA   77           LV 2: 1/1     EVA   63
          LV 3:  1/1    PDF   28           LV 3: 0/0     PDF   76
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   77           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   31
                        SPD   34                         SPD   25
    ATK    45  DEF   28 LUC   32    ATK   119   DEF  76  LUC   38

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Wool Robe, Shell Sandals        Battle Suit, Gauntlet

   Runes:  Blinking Rune           Runes:  N/A
   Weapon: Wand                    Weapon: Blue Spear
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    5                    WPN PWR     18

Items:  Nothing!
SOD:    Ugetsu (30) - Wool Vest, Water Rune
        Shiramine (28) - Wool Vest
        Lilan (74) <accessory>
        Jeane (40) - Feather Robe, Silver Anklet, Lightning Rune,
        Charm Rune <Rune master>

 Enemies: Paradise Bee

At the harbour, proceed to the trading post and you will find Ugetsu
at the planks that is directly opposite the Trading Post and he is
facing the ocean. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him. Use
the Blinking Mirror and make your way to the rear deck via the 2nd
deck corridor. Talk to him and you will have a cutscene and you will
meet Shiramine. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him. Use
the mirror and teleport your team to Nay-Harbour. Proceed back to the
rear deck and talk to Shiramine. Choose to cast a net (top option).

Activate menu and choose depart. Proceed to Na-Nal again. Do not
enter the harbour. Choose Anchor instead. Proceed to the rear deck
and choose to pull up the net. You will have a cutscene of your guys
fishing up another mermaid. Lilan will join your party!

    LV 21                           LV 21
    Ugetsu              STR   57    Shiramane            STR   62
    HP:   216/216       SKL   29    HP:    237/237       SKL   41
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   40    MP:    LV 1: 2/2     MAG   27
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   35           LV 2: 0/0     EVA   34
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   41           LV 3: 0/0     PDF   72
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   29           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   33
                        SPD   23                         SPD   41
    ATK    77  DEF   41 LUC   30    ATK    72   DEF  72  LUC   40

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Wool Vest                       Wool Vest

   Runes:  Water Rune              Runes:  N/A
   Weapon: Axe                     Weapon: Calm
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    20                   WPN PWR     10

Make your way back to Na-Nal. Make your way to the Inn and you will
meet Manu. Pick the top option to recruit him! From this point
onwards, you will be use the elevator within your ship. Make your
way to the Rune Shop. Talk to Shopkeeper. Choose the second option
to meet the Rune Master. (Prepare some tissue paper...)

    LV 27                          Notes:
    Jeane               STR   50   You will be given 3 options. I
    HP:   189/189       SKL   86   would opt for Runes to put on
    MP:   LV 1:  5/5    MAG   68   if you are bring a training party
          LV 2:  2/2    EVA   77   as the upcoming battle will be
          LV 3:  1/1    PDF   41   tough.
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   72
                        SPD   87   Besides her removal and equipping
    ATK   70   DEF  41  LUC   69   of Rune is much cheaper. Once you
                                   done, talk to the shopkeeper and
   Initial Equipment:              ask for Jeane again. Choose the
   Feather Robe, Silver Anklet     3rd option and you will be able
   Runes:  Charm, Lightning        to recruit her!
   Weapon: Hathor
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    10

Make your way to the gathering square. There is a woman standing
alone in the center of the square. Talk her and you will fight...

   Maxine      HP: 2000                             Potch: 1000p

   This one can be a tough one if you are bring in a training
   party. Bring in a party where they have more 200+ HP damage
   or someone with the Earth Rune. She will start off by casting
   a couple of Earth spells - Clay Guardian. She is able to use
   Wind of Sleep and this is followed by a powerful wind spell
   - The Shredding. Prepare some Jizo Clock in case. She is
   quite tough in defense though.

Return back to your ship and rest. Save your game and make your way to
Nay Island Harbor. Proceed to the Stonecutter's Area. You will find her
under a tree...

   Maxine      HP: 2500                             Potch: 2000p

   She is more tougher as she will use the Shredding more faster
   than the previous battle. Make sure someone in the party has
   the Kindess Rain spell. If Jeane is at a decent level, you
   will be beat her easily with her magic. Clay Guardian is
   extremely useful for this battle.

Now, make some preparations for a long sea trip. Give your magic
characters some Lightning Rune. Bring in Jeane seems to be a wise
choice. Set sail southwest off Nay Town towards Middleport.
Eventually, you will find an island in between the pathway. Choose
to land there.

 Ocean (near Desert Island)
 Enemies: Jellyfish Man, Giant Bat, Speckled Ray, Metal Crab,
          Rock Crab

 - If you encounter a Metal Crab, you are in luck. The enemy has
   very strong defenses and its attack does tremendous amount of
   damage to an ally. As being a sea creature, it is extremely weak
   against Lightning. Soaring Bolt/Eternal Ordeal works extremely
   against it

There is nothing much to do other heading for the island..

Deserted Island
Items:   Taisuke's Clothes
SOD:     Taisuke (104) <bath>
         Lilen (55) <accessory>

 Enemies: Pearl Crab (cave), Giant Bat (cave), Wild Crab (forest)

The place should look familiar to you. It is the same place that you
have stay for three nights and meet Lilin. Make your way into the cave
and proceed to Subterranean Lake. You will see a speech box and it
seems someone is undressed (oops ^_^)

You will be at the Subterranean Lake. Use the recovery point and make
your way outside. He will remind you to bring his clothes to him.
Outside the cave, you will find a green bundle. Check it and you will
get Taisuke's Clothes. Return back to the lake area and talk to him
Hero will hand over his clothes. Exit the cave and re-enter again and
return back to him. He will be dressed up and you will be able to
recruit him. He will be at the bath area. You can have private baths
at your ship!

Re-enter the cave and proceed to the Subterranean Lake AGAIN. You will
find another mermaid. She is Lilien. Choose the top option as your
reply and she will joins you!

Iluya Island
Items:   Ocean Rune Piece x2, Treasure Map x3, Chinchilla Stand,
         Simple Wallpaper, Old Book Volume 7
SOD:     Nataly (75) <window set>
         Kate (79) - Linen Outfit, Shin Guards
         Izak (6) - Wool Vest

Make your way to Nay-Kobold Settlement (use the magic mirror) and
head for the trading post. Purchase a flower seed. Bring Mizuki in
your party. Train your party around level 35 and you will be fine.

Iluya is just directly north off Nay Island. The distance isn't quite
far. As you are approaching the area, the area tends to get foggy.
This means you will start to encounter new enemies on top of the
normal enemies that you encounter.

You will encounter random battles as you move in this area.

 Enemies: Stun Lizard (destroyed town), Bloody Behemoth (destroyed
          town), Kooluk Soldier (advanced base), Kooluk Archer
          (advance base)

Move up the stairs and you will find an Ocean Rune Piece along with a
Treasure Map from the chest. Move forward and you will find another
chest near the gates containing a Chinchilla Stand. Make your way to
the next area

Kooluk Advanced Base
There is a chest containing a Angel Hairball. I recommend you to
challenge it later. Check out the building. You will find a chest
containing another Ocean Rune Piece and Treasure Map. Check the knight
sword near the crate at the northeast corner for a Simple Wallpaper.
Outside the building, search crates located just opposite the base.
You will find another Treasure Map!

Destroyed Town Area
There is another chest containing a Angel Hairball. Retreat currently
as the enemy is way too strong for the time being. You will find a
a woman in this area. She is Nataly and you will be given the following

a) Was it because of the Kooluk attacks?
b) ...

Choose the top option and you will eventually be prompted to recruit her.
Enter the other part via the area marker.

Destroyed Town Area
This is a circular maze but you should have no problem in moving around.
There is a chest within the area containing an Old Book Volume 7. Make
sure you don't miss it. In the center of the town, there is a man with
a large sword on his back. He is Izak. Talk to him and you will be given
the following prompt eventually.

a) Let us fight together!
b) ...

However, he would request you to bring him a Flower Seed. Talk to him
again and you will hand over your flower seed that you have bought
earlier from Nay-Kobold. In the eastern region of maze, search for a
woman. Talk to her and you will be given a prompt. Introduce yourself.
She will ignore you if you did not bring Mizuki along. If Mizuki is
in your current party, you will be able to recruit here.

Below are their stats:

    LV 29                           LV 31
    Izak                STR  108    Kate                 STR   51
    HP:   273/273       SKL   47    HP:    235/235       SKL   75
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   43    MP:    LV 1: 6/6     MAG   85
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   55           LV 2: 3/3     EVA  115
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   79           LV 3: 1/1     PDF   68
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   41           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   57
                        SPD   39                         SPD  113
    ATK   128  DEF   79 LUC   61    ATK    71   DEF  68  LUC   65

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Wool Vest                       Linen Outfit, Shin Guards

   Runes:  Lightning               Runes:  Earth
   Weapon: Ancient Sword           Weapon: Black Flower
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    20                   WPN PWR     20

Remember the mysterious bottle? You can located the island which is
located east off Obel. Hence head south from here. There is an
island that is shaped like a donut. Enter. Apparently, there isn't

Donut Island
Items:   Treasure Map, Rage Orb
SOD:     Rene (66) <treasure hunting>

 Enemies: Fishman

On the island, you will find a girl in the middle and that's all ^_^.
Talk to her and you will be able to recruit her and she will give you
a treasure map. Board your ship, anchor and head for the library which
located on Fourth Deck Corridor. She is in the room where you find
Oleg and Haruto. Talk to her and she will analyze the map that she
given you and you will be given a tutorial on her mini-game - treasure

Remember those treasure maps that you have gathered earlier? They are
actually maps for Rene to analyze and you will be able to find them.
Upon her analysis, you need to head back to Donut Island. Make use of
Viki's magic mirror and head there or you can choose depart from your
menu and make 360 degrees turn back into the island. Do as she says
and you will get a Rage Orb which is an advanced version of Fire Orb.
Give it to a strong magic user.

You can come to the end of side quests. Time to proceed to the Nest
of Pirates which is located south off Obel.

Just sail towards the blue arrow indicated on your chart and you will
be able to find it. Once you are within the area, search for an
opening to the island and you will have a cutscene of entering the

Nest of Pirates
Items:   Pirate Bracers, Treasure Map x 2, Ocean Rune Piece
SOD:     Kika (13) - Corset, Silver Bracers, Silver Boots, Falcon Rune
         Hervey (45) - Iron Mail, Kite Shield, Iron Boots, Fire
         Sigurd (44) - Linen Outfit, Silver Bracers, Leather Boots,
                       Water Rune
         Dario (58)  - Iron Mail, Iron Boots
         Nalleo - <support - found treasure>
         Lilon (41) <accessory>
         Phil (71) <tailor>

If you have been following the walkthrough from the start till now,
you should have already recruited 40+ members by now...

Aboard the island, you will find an equipment shop and a smithery.
Suprisingly, the bargain finds will always nab a series of great
orbs and equipment...

 Shopping List
 Equipment Shop                    Smithery
 ______________________________    __________________________________
 Mega Medicine             150p    Can upgrade weapon to level 9
 Cough Drop                 80p
 Needle                     80p
 Jizo Clock                500p


Search the crates near the equipment shop and you will find a minature
chest. Check it and you will find another Treasure Map. Move towards
the lefthand most end of the pathway and you will find Pirate Bracers.
Equip it on Hero. Talk to the pirate that is standing near the shore.

Proceed to the cave and it is actually a bar. The inn will allow you
to stay there for 1200p per night (that's daylight robbery! But
remember that they are PIRATES.) Talk to Phil (if you have 40 members
or more recruited) and you will be able to recruit him. Proceed to the
room in the north and it leads to Kika's room. There is another chest,
search it and you will get a Treasure Map and a Ocean Rune Piece.

Talk to Kika or any of her friends (Sigurd, Hervey or Dario) and you
will trigger a cutscene. Eventually, you will be given the following

a) Ms Kika, Let's fight together
b) But pirates are a little...

Pick the top option and you will recruit Kika, Hervey, Sigurd, Nalleo
and Dario. Below are their stats.

    LV 30                           LV 27
    Kika                STR   53    Hervey               STR   87
    HP:   228/228       SKL  105    HP:    256/256       SKL   60
    MP:   LV 1:  4/4    MAG   46    MP:    LV 1: 3/3     MAG   36
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   98           LV 2: 1/1     EVA   76
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   69           LV 3: 0/0     PDF   60
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   65           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   47
                        SPD   83                         SPD   87
    ATK   110  DEF   69 LUC   53    ATK   129   DEF  60  LUC   67

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Corset, Silver Bracers,         Iron Mail, Kite Shield, Iron
   Silver Boots                    Boots
   Runes:  Falcon                  Runes:  Fire
   Weapon: Deesha                  Weapon: Broad Sword
   WPN LVL    5                    WPN LVL     4
   WPN PWR    57                   WPN PWR     42

    LV 27                           LV 23
    Sigurd              STR   68    Dario                STR   79
    HP:   220/220       SKL   88    HP:    255/255       SKL   35
    MP:   LV 1:  4/4    MAG   52    MP:    LV 1: 3/3     MAG   43
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   68           LV 2: 1/1     EVA   32
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   66           LV 3: 0/0     PDF   63
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   57           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   63
                        SPD   76                         SPD   27
    ATK   128  DEF   66 LUC   49    ATK    99   DEF  63  LUC   35

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Linen Outfit, Silver Bracers    Iron Mail, Iron Boots
   Leather Boots
   Runes:  Water                   Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Steel Blade             Weapon: Wood Splitter
   WPN LVL    4                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    60                   WPN PWR     20

I would recommend you to do something for these pirates as you will
need them for the upcoming battle. Upgrade their weapons to at least
level 7 and you will be fine.

Exit and sail around the area for a while. Return back the Nests of

Nest of Pirates Revisited!
Items:   Nothing!
SOD:     Lilon (41) <accessory>
         Liloon (54) <accessory>

Revisit the place and you will find out that a "guest" has arrived.
This is followed by some cutscenes and you will be given the following
prompt from Katarina

a) ...?
b) Then my name has been cleared?

Exit Kika's room and you will be back at the bar for more scenes. They
are talking about Scarlet Moon Empire's Elenor Silverberg. Some scenes
follow. Save your game and exit the bar. Go to shore, talk to Rikie
and choose to board your ship. This is followed by some scenes and
eventually a naval battle...

                   Naval Battle #6 - Former Friend
 Snowe's Army vs Hero's Army

 Victory conditions:
 Destroy all ships and stop Snowe's assault

 They have 2 ships and you have 2 too. One of the ship has lightning
 and earth while the other has wind and fire.

 Lino's Ship stats
 The Grishend
 Explore:     3
 Range:       4
 Endurance:   7
 Captain:     Kika
 Rune Cannon: Nalleo (Fire)
 Fighters:    Sigurd, Hervey, Dario
 Underlings:  70

 Opponents Stats
 Snowe's Ship                   Gaien Ship
 Explore:     4                 Explore:     3
 Range:       3                 Range:       3
 Endurance:   5                 Endurance:   5
 Captain:     Snowe             Captain:     Kooluk Captain
 Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Land) Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Fire)
              K. Soldier (Lit.)              K. Soldier (Wind)
 Underlings:  150               Underlings:  150

 Give Hero's ship - Fire, Earth, Lightning
 Kika's ship - Fire, Fire (replaced Nalleo with someone else

 I was able to assign 3 Rune shells for OBEL as I got Hero to
 level 40 prior to fighting this. If you get too close to your
 enemies i.e. within 1 square, your fights on board will be forced
 to fight them. Don't bring character that based on magic as you are
 unable to use Runes. Bring attackers, characters like Bartholomew
 works well. Do not get your members killed or you will not be able
 to use for the remaining of game! Just keep on using Earth Rune
 shells against Snowe and Fire Rune shell against the other ship
 and you will be fine.


After the battle is over, you need to chase after Snowe to Razril. Make
your way to Razril (you will not be able to visit any towns at this
moment of time). Along the sea, you will encounter new battles which
you reach near Middleport or Razril.

 Enemies: Speckled Ray, Jellyfish Man, Poison Lizard (Obel), Giant
          Bat (Obel), Fly Lizard (Na-Nal), Damp Hairball (Na-Nal)
          Demon Hairball (Iluya, Donut), Spinny Grecko (Iluya, Donut),
          Red Ray (Iluya), Leviathan (rare), Metal Crab (Deserted),
          Rock Crab (Nest of Pirates), Ice Bird (Razril), Killer
          Fish (Razril)

Once you made contact with Razril and you will have several cutscenes
and eventualy this prompt:

a) Let the sea determine his fate.
b) You have one chance. Will you join us?
c) Execute him.

Pick the first option or second option. He will refuse to join you if
you pick the second option and still leave you anyway. I choose the
1st option. If you choose the 3rd option, Snowe will never appear on
the face of this world anymore...

Proceed back to the Nest of Pirates (yup it its a long way or you
can use the magic mirror...). Exit the area by boarding the ship via
talking to Rikie. Re-enter the Nest of Pirates and there will be a
message from Lilon and some cutscenes which eventually allows you
to recruit her.

Examine the blinking mirror and head for Iluya. Proceed to the smoky
harbor and find a stairs that leading downards, which just north from
the entrance stairway. You will find Liloon there. Use your glowing
hand mirror and teleport back Nest of Pirates. (If you have Kika in
your party, the pirates will treat you differently and you will be
able stay in the Inn for free!)

Head for the island marked by the blue marker - Hermitage Island.

Hermitage Island
Items:  Mega Medicine x3, Skunk Orb, Green Bottle, Crest, Treasure
        Map x2, Copper Hammer, Earth Orb
SOD:    Agnes (85) <support - healing>
        Elenor (3) <tactician>

There is nothing much other than heading Hermitage Island, which is
just northwest off the Nest of Pirates. Once you get near it, it will
trigger a cutscene. Dario, Sigurd and Hervey will form part of your
party as compulsory members..

Move north from the harbor and you will reach the forest.

 Enemies:  Wild Leaves, Demon Wolf, Fossil Beast (Back Road)

 The enemies encounter will depends on Sigurd and Hervey's levels
 but the enemies will be wiped out instantly if Hero's weapon level
 is at level 9.

Move north off from the forest and there will be a cutscene.

a) Are you Ms. Elenor?
b) Ms Elenor... You're quite young.

There will be a couple of cutscenes and some of them are very humorous.
Hero will have a chat with Elenor eventually.

a) Please fight with us!
b) I can't believe you drugged everyone!

Pick the top option. She wants you to bring everyone inside a box
found in the cave. Head back to the forest. Search the chest outside
the building for Mega Medicine x3 and Shunk Orb.

Back Road
You will be alone using Hero. Make your way down the road. On the
next screen, you will face a...

   Horned Behemoth          HP: 750                 Potch: 3000p
   It has a normal punch attack, a somerault punch that does
   around 60+ HP. But it took me just 2 Eternal Ordeal to
   finish off because my Hero is at level 40. Just save up a
   couple of Mega Medicines, use it when Hero's HP is below 100.

   Items: Horn, Earth Rune Piece

Make your way into the cave and you will reach the Limestone Cave.
Search the desk at the end of the path for a Green Bottle & Crest.
Search wine pots located on right side of the shelves for another
Treasure Map item.

Exit the cave and make your way back to Elenor's Room. Talk to Agnes
and you will hand over the Green Bottle. Hero will hand over the crest
to Elenor and you will be given the following prompt:

a) Yes.
b) I have no other choice.
c) ...

You will be able to access the Dirt Floor Room in Hermitage. Search
the stove for a Crab Bun and rest in her room for free! Exit via
the door here to the forest and there will be a cutscene with Agnes.
She will join your party! The chest in this area contains a Copper
Hammer. Inside small shed, there is a chest containing a Treasure Map.
Search the well for Earth Orb. Examine the door and you will head for
forest or using the magic mirror...

The leader is born...
Items:   Golden Seal

Make your party preparations. Proceed to the War Room. You will find
most of your crew members (or characters who join you as part of the
story there). This is follow by some cutscenes and Elenor believe that
there can ONLY be one leader and you will be forced to duel Lino one-
on-one. This is followed by this prompt:

a) W-Wait a minute
b) Then may the best man win

If you picked the top option, you have the luxury of not fighting
Lino and crown leader. If you choose the bottom option...

                  Fencing Battle #5 - Vs. Lino En Kludes
  Well, this battle is quite easy as you are destined to win over
  Lino. Just use the respective commands as you see the quote...

  Quote                                               Choice
  All right, let's get right down it                - Special
  It's my turn next                                 - Special
  Okay, first, we'll see how things go...           - Attack
  I think I'll save my energy a little.             - Attack
  Come on! Let's see what you've got.               - Attack
  Hehe... Better be prepared for the next move...   - Guard
  Guess I'll start getting serious now...           - Guard


Once the duel is over and Lino will temporarily abdicate his throne
and give you the Golden Seal. Next you will be able to name the ship...

a) Let's go with Chicken
b) Let's go with Dauntless
c) I'll think up my own name

along with your army...

a) The Rush... I guess
b) The Hero Army... I guess*
c) I'll think up my own name

(*Hero will be replaced by the name that you have given to the main

And lastly, pick the bottom option to launch the ship! To continue
with the quest, you can just return back to the War room and proceed
on or it is time to recruit some more characters!

Hermitage Island - Revisited
Items:   Bone x2, Skin x2
Potch:   2700
SOD:     Aldo (9) - Linen Outfit, Gauntlet
         Gau (22) - Wool Vest
         Jango (34) <ship crew>
         Brec (35) <ship crew>
         Katarina (26) - see previous equipment

 Enemies: Wild Leaves, Fossil Beast, Demon Wolf

* Bring in characters with high magic attacks for this battle

You can collect the items that you have missed earlier. Proceed to the
back road that leads to the limestone cave and you meet Aldo who is on
the road. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him.

You can rest at Elenor's Room for free if you want to. Proceed back to
forest and loiter around for a random battle...

   Demon Wolf A             HP: 200                 Potch: 2500p
   Demon Wolf B             HP: 200
   Gau                      HP: 2000
   Demon Wolf C             HP: 200
   Demon Wolf D             HP: 200

   My level: 42
   The demon wolves can be wiped out singlely with an area-based
   base spell such as Burning Flames, Beserking Blow or even
   Hero's Double-Edged Sword. Just finished off his sidekicks
   first before going after Gau. Gau has only one attack - a
   three punch combo that does between 100 to 150 damage to an
   ally. Hence you need to keep your party's HP at a decent
   level. Besides he has a strong defense against phyiscal but
   is extremely weak against Magic. Use magic and you will be
   fine. If you intend to attack him with Hero's Eternal Ordeal
   keep an eye on Hero's health...

   Items: Bone x2, Skin x2

After the battle is over, you will be able to converse with the man
beast (Gau) and you will be able to recruit him by picking the 2nd

    LV 26                           LV 25
    Gau                 STR   98    Aldo                 STR   69
    HP:   310/310       SKL   47    HP:    191/191       SKL   66
    MP:   LV 1:  2/2    MAG   23    MP:    LV 1: 4/4     MAG   46
          LV 2:  0/0    EVA   38           LV 2: 1/1     EVA   63
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   87           LV 3: 0/0     PDF   68
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   22           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   79
                        SPD   67                         SPD   83
    ATK   108  DEF   87 LUC   41    ATK    89   DEF  68  LUC   39

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Wool Vest                       Linen Outfit, Gauntlets
   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Fist                    Weapon: Iron Bow
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    10                   WPN PWR     20

There is no much of interest on this. It is time to move on. Return
back to your ship. Proceed to your room and Desmond will say someone
is in your room. You will meet Lino, Elenor and Agnes along with the 2
pirates - Jango & Brec. Talk to them and they will join you!

Make your way to the Nest of Pirates. Visit Kika's room and you will
find Katarina healthy again. A cutscene will followed and this is by
a series of prompts. Pick the top option for both prompts and she will
joins you! Her equipment is the same that first time you use here.
She is still a level 11 character with a puny level 1 weapon. But she
can be powerful magic user once she is at a decent level.

Head for the holiday resort-like island - Mordo Island...

Mordo Island
Items:   Nothing!
Potch:   15000p
SOD:     Lo Seng (27) - Wool Vest, Prosperity Rune
         Lo Fong (29) - Silver Chain, Earth Rune
         Lo Hak (31) - Silver Chain, Fire Rune
         Igor <coin toss, support: found treasure>

 Enemies: Killer Rodent, Paradise Bee, Rodent Leader, Yellow Rodent,
          Red Rodent, Blue Rodent

Visit the hot spring and you will meet Lo Fong and Lo Hak. They will
disturb you during your dip. When you are about to get out of the
spring, they will threaten you to pay them 10000p. Choose the first
option and you will fight...

(Lo Seng joins in the gang...)

   Lo Seng            HP: 1200                     Potch: 15000p
   Lo Fong            HP: 1000
   Lo Hak             HP: 1000

   The battle is really easy. It is a smart move to conserve
   your Rush attack so that you get a bonus turn. Their attacks
   does around 40+ to each ally and they are no danger in
   threatening your party since they are fully healed. Use 2
   Double-Edged Sword followed by a strong attack spell will do
   the trick.

   Items: Nothing!

    LV 23                           LV 23
    Lo Hak              STR   52    Lo Fong              STR   42
    HP:   166/166       SKL   67    HP:    165/165       SKL   62
    MP:   LV 1:  4/4    MAG   51    MP:    LV 1: 5/5     MAG   60
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   62           LV 2: 2/2     EVA   54
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   51           LV 3: 1/1     PDF   54
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   36           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   63
                        SPD   80                         SPD   89
    ATK    72  DEF   51 LUC   34    ATK    62   DEF  54  LUC   80

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Silver Chain                    Silver Chain
   Runes:  Fire                    Runes:  Earth
   Weapon: Bow                     Weapon: Tranquility
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    20                   WPN PWR     20

    LV 23                          Notes:
    Lo Seng             STR   62   They can learned the Siblings
    HP:   200/200       SKL   43   Attack (combo) if you have them all
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   37   in battle for 10 or more battles.
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   54   This also works for characters who
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   45   can learn combo attacks like Kika
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   32   and Hero, Sigurd and Hervey.
                        SPD   69
    ATK   82   DEF  45  LUC   36   For more details about Combo, please
                                   refer to Combo section under the
   Initial Equipment:              Tutorial.
   Wool Vest
   Runes:  Prosperity
   Weapon: Throwing Knives
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    20

After defeating them, you will be able to recruit the siblings for
your group. You will be back at the world map. Make a U-turn and
return back the island. You will meet Igor outside the spring. Talk
to him and you will recruit him!

Return back the ship and place Chiepoo in your group. Proceed to
Nay Island.

Nay-Kobold Settlement
Items:   Nothing!
SOD:     Nalkul (90) - Happi Coat
         Champo (91) - Happi Coat

* You can recruit Bartholomew if you haven't recruit him earlier or
  battle Maxine at the stonecutter's field (provided you have
  defeated her at the gathering square in Na-Nal). Please refer to
  previous sections of the walkthrough for the details.

Once aboard on harbour, Chiepoo will tell you that he wants to take a
look at the trading post. Make your way to the harbour. Proceed to
the Nay-Kobold settlement via the stonecutter's field, the suspension
bridge and eventually Nay-Kobold settlement.

 Enemies:   Killer Fly, Golden Wolf, Savage Sprout, Demon Frog*

 - The Demon Frog will appears after you have gotten the Golden Seal
   and it can only be encountered at the Suspension Bridge area. It
   has around 5000HP. Hence, once you encounter it, dish out all
   your strongest magic for the kill.

Talk to everyone and one of the Kobolds will warn you about
pickpockets. Exit the town and make your way out. At the suspension
bridge, there will be a cutscene of you meet Nalkul and Champo. After
some scenes and you will be given the following prompt:

a) The Golden Seal is gone.
b) The Golden Seal... has been stolen!

Pick the 2nd option and head back Nay-Kobold Settlement. Visit the
left hand side of the warehouse and you meet Nalkul and Champo after
a second prompt and you will find the Golden Seal end up inside the
warehouse. Upon knowing the "great" Chiepoo and Hero, Nalkul and
Champo offers to help to recover the seal. You will be forced to play
a mouse catching mini-game. Please refer to mini-games section for
more details. Just catch 3 mice within the 99 seconds and you will
complete this side quest and recruit Nalkul and Champo!

    LV 25                           LV 25
    Champo              STR   47    Nalkul               STR   64
    HP:   197/197       SKL   72    HP:    182/182       SKL   56
    MP:   LV 1:  4/4    MAG   47    MP:    LV 1: 4/4     MAG   52
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   74           LV 2: 1/1     EVA   80
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   45           LV 3: 0/0     PDF   56
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   74           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   54
                        SPD   73                         SPD   87
    ATK    57  DEF   45 LUC   45    ATK    74   DEF  56  LUC   61

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Happi Coat                      Happi Coat
   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Claws                   Weapon: One
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    10                   WPN PWR     10

There is nothing much to do other than heading back to the war room...

Items:   Ocean Rune Piece, Silk, Interior Design Book
Potch:   11200p
SOD:     Osakar (107) <support character - found treasure>
         Deborah (84) <support character - appraise>

At the war room, there will be a couple of cutscenes and your goal is
simple - unify the southern islands to face the enemies from the north
-Kooluk and your objective is recapture Razril. Elenor suggest that you
take care of the Middleport. Ramda will tend reminds you a monster
that live in the seas. Now make some preparations and set sail for
Middleport. It is a good time to train your magic users till they are
level 40 and set 3 parties of Rune magic users and they must be at
least level 35 because for the upcoming battle, melee-based attacks
(i.e. close range attacks) will be useless.

Save your game when you could see Middleport from your compass. Go
to your room and rest. Exit and make contact with Middleport. If you
fought a random battle before making to Middleport, use your other
ship party to attack it. Equip a strong magic user with the Rage Orb
and have her or him in your party.

There will be some scenes and a giant octopus attacks your ship with
its 4 tentacles:

   Tentacle A       HP: 500                        Potch: 11200p
   Tentacle B       HP: 500
   Moving Isle      HP: 3500
   Tentacle C       HP: 500
   Tentacle D       HP: 500

   The boss has a charge attack that deals between 40 to 90 HP
   to allies depending on characters' defense, a black spout that
   does 50+ HP damage to an ally along with sleep status & lastly
   the tentacles beam attack that does 100+ HP damage to all
   allies, which is only used when the tentacles are critically
   low HP.

   First of all, kill off all tentacles. If you do not do that
   these will unleash a deadly beam attack to all allies. One
   quick way is to use Rush (rush could still hit the boss).
   Unleash your magic at the tentacles. Lightning magic works
   extremely efficient against the boss. If you have 2 characters
   with level 4 spell (Thunder and Water), you unleash Thunder
   God which is extremely effective against the boss. Character
   who uses projectiles like Sigurd could still attack the boss.

   By the way, you can alternate between your main party and
   ship party for this battle. But it will be game over if
   either one of the parties is entirely wiped out.

   Likewise as the tentacles belong to the Moving Isle, if it is
   killed all tentacles will be wipe out too.

   Items:  Silk, Ocean Rune Piece

There will be a couple of prompts and Sigurd seem to be keen on going
for the visit. Ramada will accompany you. Hence bring Sigurd. You will
end up in the Middleport and you meet Mickey with Reinbarach III and
you will be given the following prompt:

a) I would like to open a business here
b) I would like a formal audience with him

Pick the top option. Reinbach III and Mickey will join your company.
You can return back to your ship and restore your lost HP and save your
game before hitting the town.

The shops are selling new items. Do not overspend and converse at least
10000p as you will need it to recruit a character here.

  Shopping List
  Trading Post - please refer to the section 3.07

  Equipment Shop                    Armor Shop
  ______________________________    __________________________________
  Medicine                   20p    Pirate Boots                 2000p
  Mega Medicine             150p    Silver Boots                 2300p
  Cough Drop                 50p    Magic Sandals                2200p
  Escape Talisman           200p    Paw Gloves                   5000p
  Wind Amulet              2200p    Noble Gloves                 8500p
                                    Pirate Bracers               2700p
  Inn                       120p    Feather Robe                 3800p
                                    Pirate Armor                 6500p
  Lottery Shop                      Silver Mail                  8800p
                                    Magical Hat                  3000p
  Appraiser                 200p    Nay-Kobold Hat               3800p
                                    Silver Helm                  5250p


Talk to old man dressed in black near the Trading Post and Sigurd will
talk with him (Keen). It seems like that they have a bad feud. Take a
look at the trading post and you will meet the appraiser too.

Central Square
Talk to the lady at the square for a Interior Design Book. Visit the Inn
and talk to Deborah and Osakar. Deborah will join you and left Osakar
there (*lonely*...). You can still play dice with Gunter. There is
nothing much do other than heading for Lord's Mansion.

You will meet Schtolteheim Reinbach II and you will be given the
following prompt:

a) I am Schtolteheim Reinbach III (LOL)
b) I am Hero.

Pick the sensible answer above and there will be some conversation and
you will be given this prompt:

a) You do business with Cray as well?
b) We seek your help in fighting Kooluk.

Pick the bottom option. You will find that Kooluk is one of Middleport's
trading partner. Reinbach III seems unhappy with his father and

a) It is not a bad deal
b) That is quite unilateral...

Reinbach III and Mickey will leave your party and they speak of the
octopus. Exit the mansion. Return back to your ship by making your way
back to the harbour. Talk to Rikie and there will be a cutscene,
Reinbach III and Mickey will come and wants to move along with you...

a) Please, come aboard.
b) Well, I guess it can't be helped...

Pick the top option. You will need to get the Rose Crest in order for
Micky and Reinbach III to join you. They will stay at the harbour to
wait for your Rose Crest. Make use of Viki's teleporation mirror...

Nay Island
Items:   Rose Crest
SOD:     Reinbach (10) - Silver Chain, Silver Bracers
         Micky (46) <newspaper>
         Etienne (77) <music test>
         Keen (21) <confessions room>
         Helga (19) - Battle Suit
         Charlemagne (80) - Silver Chain

Make your way to the High Inn and visit the rooms in the lower left
hand corner. Talk to the man and he will tell you about a woman is on
rampage in Middleport and wreck the inn. Now visit the Inn's room that
has a chest in it. You will meet Gareth there. Talk to him and you
will be given the following prompt:

a) Do you know of the Rose Crest?
b) It's nothing

Pick the top option and this is followed by another prompt:

a) I see...
b) Actually I was asked by Sir Reinbach...

Pick the 2nd option and he will ask you to deliver it to Reinbach.
Use the Glowing Hand Mirror and teleport back Middleport. Talk to
Reinbach III. He and Micky will join you!

    LV 29
    Reinbach            STR   49
    HP:   210/210       SKL   90
    MP:   LV 1:  4/4    MAG   51
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   81
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   63
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   64
                        SPD   64
    ATK   59   DEF  63  LUC  108

   Initial Equipment:
   Silver Chain, Silver Bracers
   Runes:  Red Rose Rune
   Weapon: Rosage
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    10

Return back to your ship. Replace Sigurd with Reinbach. Re-enter
Middleport again. You will meet Keen there again. Talk to him and
you will be prompted to pay 10000p. Pay him and Keen will joins you!

Make your way to the inn and you will meet a man facing the inn.
Talk to her (Helga) and you will be given a prompt. Pick the top
option. Talk to her and use the top option again and you will hear
a voice from Charlemagne. Pick the top option again. Charlemagne will
stay in the inn to take care of the damages that Helga done...

Make your way to Lord's Mansion and you will find a woman dressed in
blue at the entrance. Talk to her (Etienne) and she will joins you
if Reinbach is in your party. Pick the top option to let her join
your party! Exit and make your way to Nay again.

    LV 26
    Helga               STR   99
    HP:   225/225       SKL   50
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   36
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   40
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   65
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   38
                        SPD   27
    ATK  119   DEF  65  LUC   68

   Initial Equipment:
   Battle Suit
   Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Double Axe
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    20

Visit the inn and talk to Gareth and he will join you! Return back to
Middleport and talk to Charlemagne. Exit the town again via talking to
Rikie. Once in the world map, make your back to Middleport again and
talk him. Exit Middleport via talking to Rike at the harbour. Re-enter
and talk to Charlemagne and he will joins you when you choose the
first option as your reply. (Hence you need to enter and exit
Middleport via the harbour 3 *times*)

    LV 26
    Charlemagne         STR   65
    HP:   226/226       SKL   78
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   40
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   48
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   37
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   51
                        SPD   36
    ATK   75   DEF  37  LUC   51

   Initial Equipment:
   Silver Chain
   Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Etoile
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    10

Well, you have completed the part for Middleport quest and the marker
will be indicated at Na-Nal. Before heading, do a headcount of your
characters and you should have more than 70 characters by now if you
have been following the walkthrough from the start.

Before doing that, go for a shopping spree at Middleport and get some
good equipment for Lino, Hero and another member who you intend to use
for the upcoming battle. I choose a magician (Viki) so that I could
utilize the the power of Rage Orb.

Fog Ship (Have 70 characters recruited)
Items:  Pirate King Vest, Silk, Diamond
SOD:    Ted (4) - Soul Eater, Water Rune, Magic Robe, Magic Sandals

 Enemies: Death Blade
 - Like the Skeleton that you have encountered in the ruins, they
   can only be killed only when they are the last ones to be killed
   on that current battle.

Visit the War Room and there will be a cutscene between Hero and Ted.
This is followed by a cutscene and you will need to form a party of
Lino En Kludes and Hero along with another member. I choose a
character, with a strong magic stats and equipped her with the Rage
Orb. (Viki)

You will meet a Robed Man and he requests you to visit the ship's
captain. The pathway is very liner and straightforward. Just move
forward and you are unable to use Rush as you have only 4 members.

As you reached the end of the area and eventually you will fight...

   Death Blade      HP: 300                        Potch: 5000p
   Prophet          HP: 1000
   Death Blade      HP: 300

   Take out the Prophet first as the Death Blade will resurrect
   if you did not killed them last. The prophet could issue a
   beam attack that does around 100+ HP damage to all allies and
   an attack that causes poison status ailment to one ally.
   Conserve your magic (the final spells as there are much
   tougher battles coming on...). Have Hero uses his Double-
   Edged Sword...

There will be another cutscene and you will be given this prompt:

a) As long as I don't pass it on...
b) I do sometimes on...

Proceed past the marker and you will reach the next area. Walk on the
area and you will fight...

   Death Blade      HP: 300                        Potch: 7000p
   Prophet          HP: 1000
   Prophet          HP: 1000
   Death Blade      HP: 300

   There is an additional prophet. Kill off both prophets first
   as they can deal heavy damage to all your allies. Once they
   are out, focus on the Death blades. Have Hero uses his Double
   Edged Sword and it will be over soon...

There will be another cutscene:

a) But I shouldn't run away from it.
b) ...
c) It given so much thought...

Pick any of the options and you will head to meet the "captain" of the
ship. The boss will eventually give you this prompt:

a) I don't want to stay here all my life!
b) If I stay here, my life will never end?

Pick the top option and you will find out that the Robed Man turns out
to be Ted and he requests from the boss for the Soul Eater and you
will fight...

   Fog Ship Guide   HP: 7000                        Potch: 8000p

   The boss has a wide arsenal of attacks. It has an instant
   death attack. A beam blast that causes 100+ HP damage to all
   allies. It has a drain HP move that drains around 150+ HP
   from one ally. It has a single fire-like attack that does
   100 HP to one ally.

   First of all, use Rush, your gauge should be maxed out by
   now. Ted has a lot of water magic ( Have him use
   Kindness Rain when all character's HP are low/critical. He
   can deal decent damage to the boss with his bow attack.
   Unleash your strongest attacks. Have Lino attack, Hero use
   his Eternal Ordeal while the third member unleash her
   strongest magic.

   Items: Silk, Diamond

After the battle, collect the Pirate King Vest from the chest (This
is your ONLY chance) and you will be able to view Ted's stats...

    LV 42
    Ted                 STR   66
    HP:   303/303       SKL  110
    MP:   LV 1:  9/9    MAG  144
          LV 2:  5/5    EVA   94
          LV 3:  3/3    PDF   44
          LV 4:  1/1    MDF  132
                        SPD  112
    ATK  210   DEF  55  LUC   74

   Initial Equipment:
   Magic Sandals, Magic Robe
   Runes:  Water, Soul Eater
   Weapon: Wood Bow
   WPN LVL    9
   WPN PWR    144

Exit the ship via walking (seize the opportunity to gain levels for
your current party) as you have Ted in your party and he is quite
strong. Try to test out his Soul Eater...

Once back on your ship, you will be able to recruit Ted. Choose to do
so and you will have one of the in-game best characters. Now proceed
to the blue arrow which is pointing at Na-Nal...

If you check out Chadli's shop, he is selling new items...

   Chadli's Shop
   Items                            Body gear
   ------------------------------   -------------------------------
   Medicine                   20p   Stomach Band               150p
   Mega Medicine             150p   Tunic                      120p
   Cough Drop                 50p   Leather Armor              250p
   Needle                     50p   Chain Mail                 350p
   Antitoxin                  50p   Happi Coat                 600p
   Jizo Clock                500p   Wool Loincloth             700p
   Escape Talisman           200p   Corset                     800p
   Broiled Fish              100p   Iron Mail                 1600p
   Mackerel Miso Stew        150p   Linen Outfit              1500p
   Steamed Bun               100p   Wool Vest                 2100p
   Meat Bun                  200p   Wool Robe                 2600p
   Crab Bun                  350p   Silver Chain              3600p
                                    Feather Robe              3800p
   Head gear                        Pirate Armor              6500p
   ------------------------------   Silver Mail               8800p
   Bandana                    80p
   Leather Helm              120p   Foot gear
   Forehead Guard            120p   -------------------------------
   Circlet                   120p   Sandals                     70p
   Iron Helm                 500p   Shoes                      120p
   Wool Hat                  700p   Knee Socks                 350p
   Silver Circlet           2000p   Anklet                     400p
   Magical Hat              3000p   Iron Boots                 500p
   Nay-Kobold Hat           3800p   Leg Armor                  700p
   Silver Helm              5250p   Pirate Boots              2000p
                                    Silver Boots              2300p
   Hand gear                        Magic Sandals             2200p
   Gloves                    120p   Accessory
   Wristbands                250p   -------------------------------
   Cotton Mittens            180p   Guard Ring                2000p
   Leather Gloves            180p   Counter Ring             20000p
   Bangle                    150p   Lucky Ring               20000p
   Wool Mittens              500p   Speed Ring               20000p
   Kite Shield              3500p   Wind Amulet               2200p
   Silver Bracers           3000p   Thunder Amulet            2200p
   Pirate Bracers           2700p
   Paw Gloves               5000p
   Noble Gloves             8500p

Of course, both Adrienne and the mermaid is able to made you better
armor and accessories. If you go and meet Phil, you can also have him
made you better clothing gear...

With Ted in your party, you can start serious training as his Soul
Eater Rune's Black Shadow is extremely effective and does around 400+
HP damage. To have him using it on first turn of the battle, give him
Speed Rings. Plus, you can earn double cash if you transfer Lo Seng's
Prosperity Rune on him...

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