Thursday, July 24, 2014


Items:  Graffiti, Old Book Volume 4, Elven Remedy
SOD:    Axel (7) - Iron Mail, Shin Guards
        Selma (8) - Scale Mail, Water

Make contact with Nay and there will be a cutscene at the doorway in
the 2nd deck corridor. Your party will comprises off Hero and Lino
along with 2 other members. Bring Ted and this section is going to
be a breeze walk...

From this point onwards, you will no longer encounter the past enemies
of bees and lizards instead you will battle Kooluk Soldiers...


 Kooluk Soldier        HP: 325 / 3300p     Items: Antiques*
 Kooluk Captain        HP: 425
 Kooluk Archer         HP: 325

 Their normal attacks may be weak but they can cause chaos if your
 party isn't properly trained as they could cast level 1 magic
 spells (Earth, Lightning and Ice) and Water Rune's Kindness Drops
 to restore health. But if you use Ted's Black Shadow from his Soul
 Eater Rune, you can wipe out them in one turn...

 *They will drop ? Pot, ? Painting and ? Ornament which turns out
  to be Voodoo Doll, Celadon Pot or Flower if you bring in Deborah
  as your support character.

Nothing has changed except that you will find 2 Kooluk Soldiers guarding
the entrance to the town. Make your way past them and you will be forced
to fight 2 consecutive battles...

   Kooluk Soldier A    HP: 325                      Potch: 2400p
   Kooluk Solider B    HP: 325

   The soldiers are weak but they could cast spells, so do not
   underestimate them and maintain your HP at a reasonable

   Items: ? Painting (Graffiti)

This is followed by immediately by another battle...

   Kooluk Soldier A    HP: 325                      Potch: 3600p
   Kooluk Solider B    HP: 325
   Kooluk Solider C    HP: 350

   This is similar to the previous battle except there is an
   additional Kooluk Soldier. Just wreck them hard and you will
   win this battle in no time...

   Items: Nil

This is followed by some cutscenes where Hero and his party meets
Axel and you will be given a task of getting something from the
elves. You will be given a place to stay... A prison! Make sure you
get the item from the chest, which contains an old Book Volume 4 as
this is your ONLY chance to get it. Examine the bench and choose the
top option. It will be nighttime and you will need to make your way
to the Great Elven Tree. All other paths have been locked and you
need to make your way to the Elven Tree. Take the pathway between the
village chief's house and the prison...

 Enemies: Rock Crab, Wicked Hen

On this smoky mountain path, it is pretty linear and you just need to
move straight and you will reach the end of the path, which leads to
the Great Elven Tree. Search the altar located in north part of the
area for a Elven Remedy item. Take it. One of the paths leads to the
prison (got a bad feeling about this...)

Exit the area and you will be back at the Village Chief's house. He
was quite surprised that you got the remedy so easy and ask Axel to
ascort you out of town. After you have exit Seaside town, you will
meet an elf, Selma who stops you in pathway and eventually, you will
be locked inside the jail found in the Elven Tree. There will be some
more scenes. Sooner or later, you will be given this prompt:

a) You're plotting something...
b) What do you mean by that?

Talk to everyone in party and including Axel who is also locked with
you. Eventually, Selma break free the prison and allows your party to
escape. Head back to town and return back to Na-Nal. At the gathering
square, you will find out that Kooluk has launched an outslaught on all
citizens in Na-Nal and you will be forced to fight 3 consecutive

   Battle #1
   Elite Kooluk Soldier A  HP: 300                  Potch: 3000p
   Elite Kooluk Solider B  HP: 300

   Suprisingly, they are a lot more easier than the Kooluk
   soldiers that you have fought earlier. After this battle is
   over and you will fight...

   Battle #2
   Elite Kooluk Soldier A  HP: 300                  Potch: 4500p
   Elite Kooluk Solider B  HP: 300
   Elite Kooluk Soldier C  HP: 300

   Just one more Kooluk will not change the difficulty of the
   battle. Just use an area spell and you will be able to finish
   off this battle really fast...

   Battle #3
   Elite Kooluk Soldier A  HP: 300                  Potch: 4500p
   Elite Kooluk Solider B  HP: 300
   Elite Kooluk Soldier C  HP: 300

   Please refer to the strategy above or just unleash

After the battle is over, you will meet up with the village chief and
given the following prompt:

a) We accept... Let's fight together!
b) Well if you insist.

Axel will joins you eventually. Exit the Gathering Square. At the
Hillside Town, you will meet Gunter who is standing the entrance that
leads to Seaside Town. Play a game of dice with him before moving on.

Make your way to the harbour and you will meet Selma who is standing
behind the trading post. Talk to her and you will be able to recruit
her. Exit and head for your ship. Your next stop is Nay Island.

    LV 29                           LV 29
    Axel                STR   79    Selma                STR   68
    HP:   164/164       SKL   52    HP:    265/265       SKL  111
    MP:   LV 1:  4/4    MAG   50    MP:    LV 1: 6/6     MAG   75
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   64           LV 2: 3/3     EVA   52
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   72           LV 3: 1/1     PDF   64
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   51           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   43
                        SPD   60                         SPD   60
    ATK    99  DEF   72 LUC   68    ATK    88   DEF  64  LUC   62

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Iron Mail, Shin Guards          Scale Mail
   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Water
   Weapon: Sword                   Weapon: Wind-Slicing Sword
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    20                   WPN PWR     20

Nay Revisited
Items:   Nothing
SOD:     Kevin (102) <cooking>
         Pam (103) <cooking>

Make your way to the Nay Island via ship. At the harbour, make your
way down to the beach and talk to the man there and he will tell you
about the man and woman from Iluya who are staying in village chief's

Made your way to the village chief's house. Talk to him thrice and you
will be given this prompt:

a) Show him the Golden Seal
b) Don't show him the Golden Seal

Pick the top option and he will be convinced that Hero is the acting
King of Obel and you will be given another prompt:

a) Please may the people of Nay join us
b) Yes, Let us join forces and fight!

Pick either one of the option and you will be given another prompt:

a) ...
b) We can't take on that responsibility

Pick top option and he will tell you that there are 2 people who are
willing to join. Apparently they are the couple who are the
survivors from the Iluya disaster...

Exit the town and made your way back there. Revisit the village chief's
house and you will meet Kevin and Pam who will join you by picking the
1st option.

Na-Nal Recruitment Drive...
Items:   Medicine x2, ? Painting (Flower)
Potch:   1200p
SOD:     Millay (59) - Silver Chain, Silver Bracers, Blue Ribbon
         Eugene (72) - Scale Mail, Gauntlet, Shin Guards, Firefly
                       Rune, Fire Rune        
         Jeremy (38) - Silver Chain, Kite Shield

Now return back to your ship and replace 2 members of your current
party with Mitsuba and Reinbach. I will put Ted in the mix as he helps
a lot in fighting battles if you have not been training the previous
2 characters.

Use the Blinking Mirror and make your way to Middleport. You will find
a man in brown vest at the harbour. Talk to him and you will come to
know that Reinbach has a financee named Millay. Make your way back to
Na-Nal. You will find a woman being surrounded by 2 men. Make your
way there and you will be forced to fight... (The scenario will only
available if you have Reinbach in your current party)

   Scoundrel A       HP: 300                        Potch: 1200p
   Scoundrel B       HP: 300

   Not a tough battle even if you are using Reinbach for the
   first time. If you use Ted, this battle is a piece of cake...
   The scoundrels is able to use to some magic Runes...

   Items: Medicine x2, ? Painting (Flower)

After the battle is over, you will be given a prompt. Pick the top
option and you have recruited Millay! Now make your way to the Inn.
You will find 2 people standing outside the inn. Talk to them and you
will meet Eugene and her mom whom request you to bring her son for
training. Choose to do so and you get Eugene!

Proceed to the gathering square and you will find Jeremy there if you
have Mitsuba in your party. Talk to him and pick the top option. He
will join your party!

    LV 25                           LV 19
    Millay              STR   67    Eugene               STR   32
    HP:   179/179       SKL   74    HP:     69/69        SKL   52
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   66    MP:    LV 1: 4/4     MAG   54
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   60           LV 2: 1/1     EVA   36
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   54           LV 3: 0/0     PDF   48
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   39           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   46
                        SPD   86                         SPD   25
    ATK    94  DEF   54 LUC   74    ATK    55   DEF  48  LUC   18

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Silver Chain, Silver Bracers,   Scale Mail, Gauntlet, Shin
   Blue Ribbon                     Guards
   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Firefly, Fire
   Weapon: Brass Sword             Weapon: Heirloom Spear
   WPN LVL    3                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    27                   WPN PWR     18

    LV 26
    Jeremy              STR   74
    HP:   280/280       SKL   65
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   31
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   59
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   67
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   36
                        SPD   67
    ATK   84   DEF  67  LUC   60

   Initial Equipment:
   Silver Chain, Kite Shield
   Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Lucky Blade
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    10

Make some preparations and you can training most of your characters
using Ted and Hero.

 Training Tip
 In order for this trick to work, you must recruit the Lo brothers
 at Mordo Island along with Ted. Transfer Lo Seng's Prosperity Rune
 and give it to Ted for his Rune head slot. Battle the Kooluk
 Soldiers at Na-Nal Island Harbour and you will get 6600 potch each
 time (Prosperity Rune doubles the amount of potch gained after the
 battle). For a quick kill, give Ted a Speed Ring [20000p and you
 can buy it your equipment shop (Chadli's)]. Ted should have his
 first turn and have him using his Soul Eater Rune's Dark Shadow
 and you will be able to wipe out those Kooluk soldiers in a turn
 while gaining decent HP, 6600p and sometimes ? ornaments, ?
 paintings or ? pots where you can appraise them and sell them for
 even more money. For instant appraisal, have Deborah as your
 support member. After 4 battles, you have sufficient cash to get
 another speed ring for Hero or more for Ted...

 Using this training tip also prevents low HP characters like
 Eugene, Rita or Ornan (if you haven't train them often) from dying
 to easily. By the way, Eugene is a lot more stronger than you can
 expect once you got him a decent level.

Get some decent armour for 8 fighters (prefer those that are fighters
like Bartholomew and have them around level 40 with defense around
150 and above) and you will be fine. Gau could wreck chaos if he is
at a decent level. Upgrade the 8 fighters' weapon to at least level 9.

Once your preparations are done, make your way to the war room and
Elenor and there will be a cutscene and eventually this prompt:

a) Are we taking Razril for Gaien?
b) I see... Then let's hurry

(S) Save your game

Pick the 2nd option and make your way to Razril. Choose to use the
glowing hand mirror and teleport your party to Middleport. Move
northwest from there and make contact with Razril. Transfer a Earth
Rune onto Jeane, Viki or Katarina. Bring your original party - the
2 Gaien Knights along with Katarina as your party members. (Sounds
logicial to have them heading back home first...)

Recapturing Razril
Items:   Platinum x5, Hero's Shield, Treasure Map, Guardian Bracelet,
         Silver Hammer, Window Set 9
SOD:     Helmet (51) - Iron Helm, Iron Mail, Iron Boots, Iron Shield
         Any 2 characters - (Jewel, Tal, Keneth, Paula)
         Basil (95) <tops mini-game>
         Maxine (96) - Feather Robe, Cyclone & Fire Rune
         Konrad (24) - Wool Robe, Rage Rune
         Funghi (92) <cook>
         Ameria (67) - Silver Chain, Iron Boots
         Karl (98) - Wool Vest, Strength Sash, Killer Rune
         Gretchen (23) - Silver Chain, Kite Shield
         Frederica (48) - Silver Chain, Leather Boots
Potch:   1340p

The screen will switch to the war room where Hero alone with Elenor
and you will be given a prompt. Pick the second option and you will
have another naval battle!

                   Naval Battle #7 - Regaining Razril
 Mixed Kooluk Fleet vs The Hero's Army (The Rush)

 Victory conditions:
 Defeat Kooluk flagship stationed at Razril

 Opponents Stats
 Kooluk Ship A                  Kooluk Ship B
 Explore:     4                 Explore:     4
 Range:       3                 Range:       3
 Endurance:   5                 Endurance:   3
 Captain:     Helmut            Captain:     Kooluk Captain
 Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Fire) Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Lit.)
              K. Soldier (Wind)              K. Soldier (Earth)
 Underlings:  120               Underlings:  100

 Gaien Ship
 Explore:     3
 Range:       3
 Endurance:   5
 Captain:     Gaien Soldier
 Rune Cannon: G. Solider (Wind)
              G. Soldier (Earth)

 You have the Grishend along with the Dauntless (or Chicken if
 you choose to accept Chiepoo's suggestion ^_^) for your ship's name.
 Assign the eight strong fighters on your ships. Have Ted and the
 magician that I suggested earlier for the othe Rune. In other words,
 have Water and Earth Rune shells equipped.

 At the start of the battle, move your party in order and grow them
 close together. Do not attack the Gaien Ship at all. Attack Kooluk
 Ship B with your Earth Rune cannon and the Gaien Ship should switch
 sides and help you to fight Kooluk Ship A! It took me less than 2
 turns to knock down Kooluk Ship B. Once you are done with ship B,
 proceed to on and assist the Gaien Ship. Attack it with your Water
 Rune Shell (for my case the computer will always use Fire Rune maybe
 because Gaien Ship has been attacking it with Lightning or Earth
 Rune.) In no time, victory will be yours...

Once the naval battle is over, Helmut, the commander for the Kooluk
fleet surrenders and you will be able to recruit him. Pick the top
option and you will be able to recruit him. If you choose the 2nd
option, you will be no longer able to recruit him...

You will meet your old friends and it seems everyone is welcoming Hero
back. You will meet your other 2 friends (Tal, Paula, Keneth or Jewel)
and you will be able to recruit them! You will be given a similar prompt
that you have received from Katarina...

a) I didn't kill him
b) ...

Your ship will be dock in the harbour at the Razril Port. In the nearby
area, you will find a chest. Search it and you will get 5x Platinum!
Proceed up the main street and talk to everyone there. At the Town
Square, talk to Basil and you will be able to recruit him by picking the
top option. Proceed to the Inn and you will find Maxine (if you have
defeated her earlier in Na-Nal's Gathering Square and Nay -
Stonecutter's Field). Talk to her and you will be able to recruit her
if you choose bottom option as your reply.

Talk to Konrad who is at his usual spot since you left Razril and talk
to him. He will join you if you have Katarina in your party. Pick the
top option and you have one of the game's best magicians. At the back
street, you will no longer encounter any random battles...

Make your way back to town and talk to everyone you met on the streets.
The shops are selling better equipment and hence it is wise to stock
them up...

 Shopping List
 Rune Shop                         Armor Shop
 ______________________________    __________________________________
 Violence Orb            10000p    Silver Anklet                 820p
 Warrior Orb             50000p    Silk Shoes                   5500p
 Counter Orb              5000p    Gold Boots                   7000p
 Wind Orb                  500p    Platinum Boots               8400p
 Water Orb                 500p    Tai Chi Garb                10000p
 Fire Orb                  500p    Gold Chain                   5400p
 Lightning Orb             500p    Platinum Mail               23000p
 Earth Orb                 500p    Gold Bracers                 4000p
                                   Gold Shield                  7500p
 Equipment Shop                    Diamond Shield              16000p
 ______________________________    Platinum Helm                8000p
 Mega Medicine             150p    Gold Helm                    6500p
 Antitoxin                  50p
 Cough Drop                 50p
 Needle                     50p
 Jizo Clock                500p
 Power Ring              20000p


You will meet Fredica at the equipment shop and she says that she is
looking for someone. Make your way to the Hall of Knights and make your
way to the Training Hall. There will be a cutscene and Elenor will allow
you to make a speech...

a) Everyone, let us fight against Kooluk!
b) ...

Pick the top option and you will be heading out of the Hall of Knights
and Snowe's dad will interrupt you and it is a battle...

   Gaien Soldier A   HP: 350                        Potch: 1340p
   Gaien Soldier B   HP: 350

   Just wipe them out with your normal attacks and you will be
   able to finish them off. A really easy battle.

   Items: Nothing!

This is followed by some cutscenes and you will be at the courtyard
and it is in the evening. Proceed to your room and save your game.

(S) Save your game.

At this point of time, if you miss any of the items here, you will
LOSE them FOREVER. Hence open your eyes wide! Proceed to the Training
Hall. You will find a girl and the man in the center of the hall if
you have done the kidnapper's rescue side quest earlier. Talk to the
girl and you will be given the following prompt:

a) You have to hang in there
b) You want to come with us?

Pick the second option (the more people you have, the more the
merrier...) Talk to the girl's dad and you will be given the prompt:

a) Who are you again?
b) Will you get on the ship with us?

Pick the bottom option and he will join you aboard the ship too! Do
NOT forget the chest in the northwest area of the area and you will
get one of the game's best handgear - Hero's Shield!

Once you are done, proceed to the hallway that leads to your room.
You will find your good old room and the kitchen. Proceed to the
kitchen and talk to Funghi twice. You will be able to able to recruit
him by picking the top option.

Make your way to the Spire and make your way to the rooftop. There
will be another chest. Search it and you will get a Treasure Map along
with a Guardian Bracelet. This is the only time that you can get these
2 items. Hence do not miss it!

Make your way to the Audience Chamber where you find the doorway being
blocked by a chest. Search it and you will get a Silver Hammer, which
allows Adrienne to upgrade your weapons to level 14 and more armor
making combinations. This is also the only time you can get this item.
Hence, do not miss it!

Make your way out of the Hall of Knights and make your way to Razril.
At Razril, move close to your ship and there will be a cutscene between
old friends. Talk to the cat and choose the top option and you will be
able to recruit it. (Do not miss it!)

Once it is over, make your way back to Main Street. Talk to a man
dressed in brown and you will get a Window Set 9.

Just make sure that you have gotten the following items. Below is the

  Razril's Treasure for Evening

  Item                Location
  Hero's Shield       Chest located at the Training Hall
  Treasure Map        Chest located at the rooftop
  Guardian Bracelet   Chest located at the rooftop
  Silver Hammer       Chest located at the Hall of Knights
  Window Set 9        Man dressed in brown in the main street

Exit and head back to your room at the Hall of Knights and choose to
sleep (top option). Exit your room and you will find out all the chests
that you have seen in the evening are NO LONGER there. Make your way to
the rooftop and you will meet Ameria.

Make your way to the town. You will find Gretchen standing outside the
Armor shop. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit her! Now proceed
to the Equipment Shop and talk to Federica thrice and you will be able to
recruit her as well.

Exit the shop and head for back street area. You will meet Karl along the
way. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him as well. Make your
way to your ship and you will meet an old friend who is coming for his

(This naval battle will not occur if you have choosen to execute Snowe
 in your previous prompt)

                   Naval Battle #8 - Battle Once More
 Pirate Snowe vs The Hero's Army (The Rush)

 Victory conditions:
 Destroy Pirate Snowe!

 Opponents Stats
 Pirate Ship
 Explore:     4
 Range:       2
 Endurance:   2
 Captain:     Snowe
 Rune Cannon: Pirate (Fire)
 Underlings:  150

 The answer for this battle is actually really simple. Have Ted as
 your Rune Cannon and give Snowe some galloons of water to drink ^_^
 You have 3 ships to use use for this pointless naval battle.

 Likewise if you have execute Snowe before (i.e. the last option),
 this battle will not occur...

After naval battle is over and you will be given the prompt:

a) Just let him go...
b) Snowe, would you like to join us?
c) Off with his head!

Pick the top option or middle option to have Snowe exiled or the bottom
option to execute him. I choose the middle option. Once you are done,
you will find that the blue arrow is pointing at the Nest of the
Pirates, which is your next destination.

By the way, here is your newly found member stats:
 (Like Katarina, the 2 other Knights of Gaien will have same level that
  you have used them in Hall of Knights training hall, so it won't be
  feasible to list their stats.)

    LV 25                           LV 32
    Helmut              STR   67    Maxine               STR   42
    HP:   290/290       SKL   74    HP:    186/186       SKL  112
    MP:   LV 1:  7/7    MAG   66    MP:    LV 1: 8/8     MAG  115
          LV 2:  3/3    EVA   60           LV 2: 4/4     EVA   39
          LV 3:  1/1    PDF   54           LV 3: 2/2     PDF   36
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   39           LV 4: 1/1     MDF  118
                        SPD   86                         SPD   69
    ATK    94  DEF   54 LUC   74    ATK    52   DEF  36  LUC   90

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Iron Helm, Iron Mail, Iron      Feather Robe
   Shield, Iron Boots
   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Cyclone, Fire
   Weapon: Officer's Sword         Weapon: Crescent Rod
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    10                   WPN PWR     5

   LV 29                           LV 26
   Konrad              STR   67    Ameria               STR   69
   HP:   174/174       SKL   74    HP:    251/251       SKL   77
   MP:   LV 1:  7/7    MAG   66    MP:    LV 1: 6/6     MAG   92
         LV 2:  4/4    EVA   60           LV 2: 3/3     EVA   57
         LV 3:  2/2    PDF   54           LV 3: 1/1     PDF   47
         LV 4:  1/1    MDF   39           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   39
                       SPD   86                         SPD   74
   ATK    38  DEF   34 LUC   74    ATK    79   DEF  49  LUC   65

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Wool Robe                       Silver Chain, Iron Boots
   Runes:  Rage                    Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: High Rod                Weapon: Feather Sword
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    5                    WPN PWR     10

    LV 25                           LV 29
    Gretchen            STR   75    Karl                 STR  114
    HP:   204/204       SKL   60    HP:    271/271       SKL   51
    MP:   LV 1:  5/5    MAG   63    MP:    LV 1: 3/3     MAG   40
          LV 2:  2/2    EVA   43           LV 2: 1/1     EVA   51
          LV 3:  1/1    PDF   73           LV 3: 0/0     PDF  106
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   50           LV 4: 0/0     MDF   40
                        SPD   57                         SPD   55
    ATK    85  DEF   73 LUC   50    ATK   124   DEF 106  LUC   35

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Silver Chain, Kite Shield       Wool Vest, Strength Sash
   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Killer
   Weapon: Long Sword              Weapon: Iron Fists
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    10                   WPN PWR     10

    LV 26
    Federica            STR   56
    HP:   186/186       SKL   66
    MP:   LV 1:  5/5    MAG   68
          LV 2:  2/2    EVA   49
          LV 3:  1/1    PDF   37
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   40
                        SPD   85
    ATK   76   DEF  37  LUC   66

   Initial Equipment:
   Silver Chain, Leather Boots
   Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Bone Bow
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    20

Likewise, Chadli's Shop has stocked up new items as well as Jeane's
Rune Shop.

   Chadli's Shop
   Items                            Body gear
   ------------------------------   -------------------------------
   Medicine                   20p   Stomach Band               150p
   Mega Medicine             150p   Tunic                      120p
   Cough Drop                 50p   Leather Armor              250p
   Needle                     50p   Chain Mail                 350p
   Antitoxin                  50p   Happi Coat                 600p
   Jizo Clock                500p   Wool Loincloth             700p
   Escape Talisman           200p   Corset                     800p
   Broiled Fish              100p   Iron Mail                 1600p
   Mackerel Miso Stew        150p   Linen Outfit              1500p
   Steamed Bun               100p   Wool Vest                 2100p
   Meat Bun                  200p   Wool Robe                 2600p
   Crab Bun                  350p   Silver Chain              3600p
                                    Gold Chain                5400p
   Head gear                        Feather Robe              3800p
   ------------------------------   Tai Chi Garb             10000p
   Bandana                    80p   Pirate Armor              6500p
   Leather Helm              120p   Silver Mail               8800p
   Forehead Guard            120p   Platinum Mail            23000p
   Circlet                   120
   Iron Helm                 500p   Foot gear
   Wool Hat                  700p   -------------------------------
   Silver Circlet           2000p   Shoes                      120p
   Magical Hat              3000p   Knee Socks                 350p
   Nay-Kobold Hat           3800p   Anklet                     400p
   Silver Helm              5250p   Iron Boots                 500p
   Gold Helm                6500p   Leg Armor                  700p
   Platinum Helm            8000p   Silver Anklet              820p
                                    Pirate Boots              2000p
   Hand gear                        Silver Boots              2300p
   ------------------------------   Gold Boots                7000p
   Gloves                    120p   Platinum Boots            8400p
   Wristbands                250p   Magic Sandals             2200p
   Cotton Mittens            180p   Silk Shoes                5500p
   Leather Gloves            180p
   Bangle                    150p   Accessory
   Wool Mittens              500p   -------------------------------
   Kite Shield              3500p   Guard Ring                2000p
   Silver Bracers           3000p   Counter Ring             20000p
   Gold Bracers             4000p   Speed Ring               20000p
   Pirate Bracers           2700p   Lucky Ring               20000p
   Paw Gloves               5000p   Power Ring               20000p
   Noble Gloves             8500p   Wind Amulet               2200p
   Gold Shield              7500p   Thunder Amulet            2200p
   Diamond Shield          16000p

Once you are out, there is more recruiting to do...

If you revisited Deserted Island, there will be newer enemies and you
will find the Ancient Crab at the center of the forest. It is tough...
Please refer to Section 9 for more information.

Secret Underground Path in Middleport
Items:   Treasure Map, Ocean Rune Piece, Great Earth Armor, Sliding
         Door, Ivory Robe, Canvas 2, Old Book Volume 8
SOD:     Warlock (61) - Feather Hat, Magic Robe, Mother Earth Rune,
                        Flowing Rune
         Pecola (93) <Ornament Room>

Make your way to the Rune Cannon. Talk to Pablo and he will mentions
to you about a person named Warlock and you will be given a prompt:

a) Sorry tell me later
b) ...

Pick the bottom option and Pablo will give you a hint of choosing the
wrong way. Make your way to Middleport and bring in a strong party -
Pablo is not a compulsory character. I recommend to have all
characters around level 50 with the best armor equipped for them and
upgrade your attacker's attack to at least level 12.

Just bring in Ted and Hero along with 2 attackers (high HP). I have
Lino and Axel and given Lino the Earth Rune so that I could use Clay
Guardian when battling against the sub-boss.

Make your way to the back street or you may want to visit the Inn to
save your game first. Make your way to the Empty House and examine
the chest. You will be given a mathematical question:

51 - 24 = ?

a) 24 potch
b) 27 potch

Choose the top option as the wrong way hinted by Pablo and you will
end up in the Secret Underground Path area. You can find a Treasure
Map and Ocean Rune Piece in the chest. Move forward to the next area.

Secret Underground Path
This dungeon can be extremely difficult if you are bringing in a weak
party. Make sure your party is around level 40 and equipped with the
best armor. Bring in Ted if you want to have an easy life here. The
enemies have very high HP and they are tough to beat too.

 Enemies: Spectrel Leaves, Furball, Poison Bird, Ogre Frog

The dungeon pathway is like a fork and below is the full map. Do not
use any level 4 spells and conserve them for the sub-boss in this

1st Area
                           A: Sliding Door
   A   |   *   B   |   B: Great Earth Armor
    \  |   |   |  /         * : Next Area
     \__\__/    \/     S: Start Point
         \      /
          \____/       Just get all the items found in this area
          |            and move across the wooden bridge to the next
          S            area. Remember to get the Great Earth Armor
                       from one of the chests.

2nd Area

 ____     A         A: Ivory Robe
     \   /                *: Next Area
      \ /   /             S: Start Point
  *    |   /
   \___|__/         This area is more linear than the previous one.
       |            Get the Ivory Robe and equipped it on Ted. Proceed
       S            to the next area.

3rd Area

A   |           A: Canvas 2
 \  |  /        X: Sub-Boss Fight!
   |            Do not move over to X if you do not have any level 4
   \    X       spells left. You can find this battle for countless
    \__/        of times after you have completed this area and you
    |           can retreat from the battle.

Move pass X and you will hear the boss's BGM... This battle has become
a compulsory battle, you can retreat or use potch.

   Land Dragon    HP: 6500                          Potch: 8000p

   The boss has ridiculously high HP and strong physical attacks.
   It has a wind-slash attack that does around 80-120 HP to one
   ally. An attack that could cause sleep on an ally while
   inflicting around 70+ HP damage. It has an area attack that
   does around 70-100 to all allies. It is rather similar to the
   Leviathan that you have encounter rarely on the sea except it
   is strong against Lightning.

   Start off by using Ted's LV4 Spell - Judgment. I managed to
   get to use it twice when Ted is at level 49 as it will wipe
   out 3/4 of the sub-boss's life and have other character's
   attack the remaining. The boss is very strong against
   Lightning but weak against Wind. Hence The Shredding works
   extremely well here.

   Items: Dragon's Scale

Just move pass the area and you will reach the underground labortary.
Search the bookshelf on the left and you will get an Old Book Volume 8.
Talk to the old man (Warlock) twice and choose the top option as your
reply for both prompts. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him!

    LV 35
    Warlock             STR   27
    HP:   186/186       SKL   26
    MP:   LV 1:  8/8    MAG  125
          LV 2:  5/5    EVA  120
          LV 3:  2/2    PDF   42
          LV 4:  1/1    MDF  116
                        SPD   33
    ATK   32   DEF  42  LUC   37

   Initial Equipment:
   Feather Hat, Magic Robe
   Runes:  Mother Earth, Flowing
   Weapon: Diftwood Cane
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    5

Exit the Underground Path via walking or use the Blinking Hand Mirror (
your MP should be depleted by now) and rest at your room. Make your way
to 4th Deck Corridor, proceed to Deborah's Room. Talk to Deborah and
she will talk a lady who is interested in interior design. Exit and
choose Depart. Sail your ship and re-enter Middleport again.

Visit the Empty House at the back street and you will find Pecola who
will join you if you have the Interior Design Book, which can be
obtained from one of the ladies out the inn. You can access the
Underground Path via the stairway in the back area.

There is nothing else much to do except for heading for Nest of

Nests of Pirates
Items:   Nothing!
SOD:     Tanya (37) <library>

Make your way there and you will meet Tanya who is standing at the
entrance. Talk to her and you will be given a prompt. Pick the top
option thrice and you will recruit her!

Make your way inside the cave and you will have a discussion chat
with Elenor, Lino and Kika. Hero will hand over the Golden Seal back
to Lino. Eventually, you will be given a prompt:

a) Of course.
b) Wh-What do you mean?

This is followed by some cutscenes and you will be back on the world
map. Make your way to Obel or you can visit Tanya and the library to
have the Old Book Volumes that you have uncovered for translation...

(S) Save your game

Make your way to the Kingdom of Obel.

Recapture The Kingdom of Obel!
Items:   Pirate King Bracers
SOD:     Flare (36) - Wind Rune
         Setsu (89)

There will be a cutscene and Lino is all dressed up (quite weird IMO).
Eventually, the scene will switch to the War Room and you will be
given a prompt on where the Gaien Ship will be assigned to the
Dauntless or The Grishend. This is followed by your ship setup.

Assign Hero's Ship with Wind, Fire and Lightning Rune while the other
2 ships with Lightning Rune & Wind Rune. Press Start to end your
setup and choose to the top option to commence the naval battle. I
choose to have the Gaien Ship to accompany the Grishend. Kika will be
fixed as the captain for Grishend.

                   Naval Battle #9 - For Obel's Freedom
 2nd Kooluk's Fleet vs The Hero's Army (The Rush)

 Victory conditions:
 Annihilate the enemy fleet and take back the Kingdom of Obel!

 Opponents Stats
 Kooluk Ship A                   Kooluk Ship B
 Explore:     4                  Explore:     4
 Range:       3                  Range:       3
 Endurance:   5                  Endurance:   3
 Captain:     Colton             Captain:     Kooluk Captain
 Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Lit.)  Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Wind)
              K. Soldier (Water)              K. Soldier (Earth)
 Underlings:  200                Underlings:  150

 You will have a fleet of 3 usable fleets (the Dauntless, Grishend
 and the Gaien Ship). Make sure your fighters have decent armor and
 their weapons upgraded.

 At the beginning of the battle, you have only the Dauntless if you
 choose to have the Gaien Ship accompany The Grishend. At the second
 turn, you will find the 2 ships appear on the left flank where you
 can attack the enemy but they will counter since their cannons are
 facing these 2 ships. Counter Kooluk Ship B with Wind while Kooluk
 Ship A with Lightning and you will be fine.

Once the battle is over there will be some cutscenes and you have
captured Colton and his crew. There is a messager tell you that an
enemy fleet is coming and you will be given a prompt:

a) Let's go!
b) Please wait a minute

Choose the bottom option and talk to the crew next to Colton and you
will get the Pirate King Bracers. Talk to Elenor and pick the top
option to resume. It is another naval battle.

                   Naval Battle #10 - Mysterious Fleet
 Governor's Fleet vs The Hero's Army (The Rush)

 Victory conditions:
 Annihilate the enemy fleet!

 Opponents Stats
 Kooluk Ship A                   Kooluk Ship B
 Explore:     4                  Explore:     4
 Range:       3                  Range:       3
 Endurance:   5                  Endurance:   3
 Captain:     Kooluk Captain     Captain:     Kooluk Captain
 Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Fire)  Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Wind)
              K. Soldier (Wind)               K. Soldier (Earth)
 Underlings:  60                 Underlings:  50

 It seems pretty easy and it is a battle that you WON'T lose. Just
 give your ships Fire and Wind and you will be fine. Attack Kooluk
 Ship A with Fire while Kooluk Ship B with Wind and you will be fine.
 You can also approach them and choose board for an instant victory
 where you don't have to battle...

 In fact, you can choose to load any Runes that you like. Have a
 character with Rune power over 50 and the battle will be over in
 one hit!

This is followed by some cutscenes and Elenor will suggest to Hero to
use the Rune to fight out those ships.

a) My true Rune of Punishment
b) No I can't use the Rune...

If you choose the bottom option thrice, it will be an automatic
gameover like the one in Obel. Pick the top option and this is
followed by some bizarre events...

Move towards the Rune and you will meet an old friend...

   Glen's Shadow          HP:???
   Just attack the shadow...

You will be back awake in your own room. You will get your Level 4
spell - Everlasting Mercy for your Ruune of Punishment. Exit your
room and you will find out that Flare and Setsu has join your party!

If you go to the deck and witness the cutscene, you will not be able
to practice your naval tactics anymore. Elenor, Flare, Agnes and Lino
will not be found in their rooms.

Take out a party and bring in Yu and choose depart...

The Remaining Stars in Obel
Items:   Wave Wallpaper
SOD:     Wendel (69) - Linen Outfit
         Nabokov (47) <appraiser>
         Carrie (57) <medicine shop>
         Gunter (99) <dice mini-game>
         Trishtan (86) - Silver Mail
         Gary (42) <support - healing>
         Ema (43) <support- healing>
         Noah (87) <cards mini-game>, Support
         Rachel (18) - Battle Suit, Iron Boots

You will find a girl (Wendel) at the harbour and she will join you if
you have talked to Nico. Pick the first option to recruit her!

Town Area
Talk to the appraiser (Nabokov) who will join you if you pick the top
option. Make your way to the washing area. Talk to the woman in pink
and you will get another ornament, Wave Wallpaper. The equipment shop,
smithery (you can upgrade your weapons up to level 15 here), armor
shop and the Rune shop are selling new items hence check them out.

 Shopping List
 Rune Shop                         Armor Shop
 ______________________________    __________________________________
 Double-Strike Orb       20000p    Silk Robe                   14500p
 Drain Orb                8000p    Gold Mail                   12000p
 Wizard Orb              50000p    Night Armor                 14000p
 Wind                      500p    Diamond Mail                32000p
 Water                     500p    Paw Shoes                    3000p
 Fire                      500p    Gold Anklet                  1700p
 Lightning                 500p    Gold Boots                   7000p
 Earth                     500p    Diamond Boots               12000p
                                   Platinum Shield             11000p
 Equipment Shop                    Silk Hat                     8000p
 _______________________________   Gold Helm                    6500p
 Mega Medicine             150p    Diamond Helm                12000p
 Cough Drop                 50p    Gold Circlet                 4800p
 Needle                     50p
 Antitoxin                  50p    Appraiser                    200p
 Escape Talisman           200p
 Jizo Clock                500p    Inn                          120p

 Can upgrade weapon up to LV 14


Make your way the pathway and you will see a blond girl. Talk to her
and she is Carrie. Pick the first option to recruit her! Make your
way and you will meet Gunter. Talk to him and pick the 2nd option to
recruit him! Outside the Inn, you will meet Trishtan. Talk to him and
you will be able to recruit him as well! Use the Blinking Mirror and
choose Cedric. Choose to teleport to Obel Royal Palace. Talk to either
Gary or Ema who is at the garden Pick the top option and they will
join your party as well! Make your way to the Palace's Audience
Chamber. You will find Noah there. Talk to her and pick the bottom
option thrice and you will be able to recruit her! Make your way to
the cliff path. Make sure that you have at least 5000p...

Cliff Path
Make your way to the cave where your ship is used to dock at. You
will meet Rachel and pick the second option and you will need to
pay 5000p for the bills. Choose to pay and Rachel will join your

    LV 26                           LV 26
    Wendel              STR   48    Trishtan             STR   35
    HP:   153/153       SKL   60    HP:    269/269       SKL   84
    MP:   LV 1:  6/6    MAG   85    MP:    LV 1: 3/3     MAG   34
          LV 2:  3/3    EVA  100           LV 2: 1/1     EVA   35
          LV 3:  1/1    PDF   41           LV 3: 0/0     PDF   87
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   38           LV 4: 0/0     MDF  110
                        SPD   76                         SPD   90
    ATK    58  DEF   41 LUC   56    ATK    45   DEF  87  LUC   39

   Initial Equipment:              Initial Equipment:
   Linen Outfit                    Silver Mail
   Runes:  Nil                     Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Take This!              Weapon: Spirit
   WPN LVL    1                    WPN LVL     1
   WPN PWR    10                   WPN PWR     10

    LV 26
    Rachel              STR   58
    HP:   308/308       SKL   76
    MP:   LV 1:  4/4    MAG   48
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   70
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   59
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   39
                        SPD   74
    ATK   76   DEF  59  LUC   55

   Initial Equipment:
   Battle Suit, Iron Boots
   Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Garmr
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    18

Exit and make some preparations for one of the game's toughest battle.
Purchase an Escape Talisman if you have gotten one yet. If you check
Chadli's Shop, he is stocking up new items as well.

   Chadli's Shop
   Items                            Body gear
   ------------------------------   -------------------------------
   Medicine                   50p   Tunic                      120p
   Mega Medicine             150p   Stomach Band               150p
   Cough Drop                 50p   Leather Armor              250p
   Needle                     50p   Chain Mail                 350p
   Antitoxin                  50p   Happi Coat                 600p
   Jizo Clock                500p   Wool Loincloth             700p
   Escape Talisman           200p   Corset                     800p
   Steamed Bun               100p   Iron Mail                 1600p
   Meat Bun                  200p   Linen Outfit              1500p
   Crab Bun                  350p   Wool Vest                 2100p
   Broiled Fish              100p   Wool Robe                 2600p
   Mackerel Miso Stew        150p   Silver Chain              3600p
                                    Gold Chain                5400p
   Head gear                        Feather Robe              3800p
   ------------------------------   Pirate Armor              6500p
   Bandana                    80p   Night Armor              14000p
   Leather Helm              120p   Silver Mail               8800p
   Forehead Guard            120p   Gold Mail                12000p
   Circlet                   120p   Tai Chi Garb             10000p
   Iron Helm                 500p   Silk Robe                14500p
   Wool Hat                  700p   Platinum Mail            23000p
   Silver Circlet           2000p   Diamond Mail             32000p
   Magical Hat              3000p
   Nay-Kobold Hat           3800p   Foot gear
   Gold Circlet             4800p   -------------------------------
   Silver Helm              5250p   Sandals                     70p
   Gold Helm                6500p   Leather Shoes              120p
   Platinum Helm            8000p   Knee Socks                 350p
   Diamond Helm            12000p   Anklet                     400p
   Silk Hat                 8000p   Iron Boots                 500p
                                    Leg Armor                  700p
   Hand gear                        Silver Anklet              820p
   ------------------------------   Gold Anklet               1700p
   Gloves                    120p   Pirate Boots              2000p
   Wristbands                250p   Silver Boots              2300p
   Cotton Mittens            180p   Magic Sandals             2200p
   Leather Gloves            180p   Paw Shoes                 3000p
   Bangle                    250p   Silk Shoes                5500p
   Wool Mittens              500p   Gold Boots                7000p
   Kite Shield              3500p   Platinum Boots            8400p
   Silver Bracers           3000p   Diamond Boots            12000p
   Gold Bracers             4000p
   Pirate Bracers           2700p   Accessories
   Paw Gloves               5000p   -------------------------------
   Gold Shield              7500p   Guard Ring                2000p
   Noble's Gloves           8500p   Counter Ring             20000p
   Platinum Shield         11000p   Lucky Ring               20000p
   Diamond Shield          16000p   Speed Ring               20000p
                                    Power Ring               20000p
                                    Wind Amulet               2200p
                                    Thunder Amulet            2200p

Remaining Stars of Destiny
Items:  Golden Hammer, Guardian Sandals, Guardian Garb, Hero's Armor,
        Stone of Speed, Mermaid Bracelet, Treasure Map, Diamond x5,
        Prosperity Orb, Mixed Herbs, Silver Bracers
SOD:    Travis (16) - Feather Robe
        Snowe (17) - recruitable only if you have 107 SOD and choose
        not to execute him.
Potch:  42000p

Remember those pesky chests containing Angel Hairballs and they are
extremely tough to beat? It is time to seek revenge. Your party levels
should be around level 45 if you have been visiting the Middleport
Secret Underground Path for the time being. But there is a place
where you haven't visit it.

Obel Ruins
Have a party with an average level of 45 and bring them here. Bring in
Ted. Make your way back to the Ruins where you first meet Rikie and
Rakgi. You will encounter stronger enemies.

 Enemies: Skeleton, Armoured Wolf, Unicorn Zombie, Golem

Make your way across the winding path and you will reach the first
area of gathering right? Talk the path heading north and you should
be in a T-junction. Take the path towards left and their is another
winding road. Make your way and you will reach a split path with a
chest opened (you should have taken the One-Piece Dress...). Choose
to take the path in the north. There is a chest in the empty area.
Open it and you will face...

   Angel Hairball    HP: 3000                     Potch: 10000p
   There are only 4 Angel Hairball fights along with 2 Golden
   Hairballs fight. They are very strong in magic but weak in
   magical defense. They have the ability to use Breath of Ice
   which does around 110HP damage to all allies even they have
   around 90 MDF stats. I just used 2 Judgment and the battle
   is already over...

   Items: Nothing!

After the battle is over, you will get the Golden Hammer. This hammer
is very good as it allows you to make the game's best armor via
material combining and upgrade your weapons to level 16!

Make your way back to the empty chest and choose the path next to it.
You will reach another "gathering area" but with a save point.

(S) Save your game

Take the path that is closest to the Save Point and move north. Once you
reached the Inner Ruins, you will find a huge golem at the spot where
you find a save point. Do not make contact with it or you have fight it
and you cannot beat if your party has fully-recovered (hint: that Golem
has a five-digit HP...)

To avoid the fight, just move around it and make your way to the backyard
where you find the tree. There is a man called Travis found near the
tree. Talk to him and he ask you whether you have an Escape Talisman...

Use the Escape Talisman (not joking) and you will be at the entrance.
Make your way back to the inn in Obel and choose to stay to recover
your lost HP (120p). Return to the ruins and you will need to move to
ALL THE WAY BACK where you find Travis...

1) L-Walkway
2) Gathering Area - Take the north path
3) T-Junction - Take the left path
4) L-Walkway
5) Split Path - Take the path next to the chest
6) L-Walkway
7) Gathering Area - Take the north path that is next to the Save Point
8) Split Path - Take the north path
9) Inner Ruins - move past the Golem by moving around it.

Finally, you have end in the tree where you meet Travis. Talk to him
and you will be able to recruit him!

    LV 26
    Travis              STR   66
    HP:   310/310       SKL   46
    MP:   LV 1:  3/3    MAG   36
          LV 2:  1/1    EVA   67
          LV 3:  0/0    PDF   67
          LV 4:  0/0    MDF   59
                        SPD   74
    ATK   87   DEF  67  LUC   59

   Initial Equipment:
   Feather Robe
   Runes:  Nil
   Weapon: Stone
   WPN LVL    1
   WPN PWR    18

Return back to your ship and use the Blinking Mirror. Now do a headcount
or have a view at the roster. There should be only 1 empty spot if you
have been using this walkthrough...

Mordo Island... A man on the plank
 Enemies: Killer Rodent, Yellow Rodent, Rodent Leader, Red Rodent,
          Blue Rodent, Paradise Bee

The mountain pathway is actually a treasure hunting. Once you enter
that area, the BGM and the character will change. You will be able to
hunt for treasure if you have the relevant treasure maps.

Make your way to the hot spring and talk to the merchant. He will say
that he spotted someone on a wooden plank in the ocean. This will only
happened if you did do the following: Have Snowe exiled and did not
execute him on your previous 2 attempts.

Set sail west off Mordo Island and there will be a cutscene. A man is
found on the plank and you will be given the choice:

a) He can't be forgiven. Off with his head!
b) Perhaps we should let him join us...

Choose the bottom option and congrats! You have all 108 Stars of
Destiny. Snowe will resume from his previous level that he left your
party earlier. Hence it will take a while to train him, just like the
other 2 Knights of Gaien. But it is definitely worthwhile as he and
Hero is able to use the game's strongest Combo attack.

 Underground Path
 Enemies: Spectrel Leaves, Furball, Poison Bird, Ogre Frog
Make your way back to the Empty House in the backstreet. Talk to the
Youth and he will award you with the Guardian Sandals!

Nest of Pirates
Make your way to the Nest of Pirates. Talk to the one of the pirates
inside the pub and you will get a Mermaid Bracelet!

 Enemies: Stun Lizard (destroyed town), Bloody Behemoth (destroyed
          town), Kooluk Soldier (advanced base), Kooluk Archer
          (advance base), Kooluk Captain (advanced base)
Make your way to Iluya and it is time to finish off the remaining 2
Angel Hairballs. Make some preparations and bring a party whose level
is around 45 and have weapons above level 12 with best available
armour equipped. Bring in Ted, Hero and another magician (preferably
Maxine or Jeane) and a support character (I use Snowe because I have
level him up considerably..). Battle 10 battles with Hero and Snowe
to learn the True Friendship Attack. Upgrade both character's weapons
to at least level 14.

Make your way to Kooluk Advanced Base area. Search the chest near the
well and you will fight another Angel Hairball.

   Angel Hairball    HP: 3000                     Potch: 10000p
   This is the second fight of the trio. Use a combination magic
   with Jeane or use the True Frienship attack with Snowe. The
   battle will be over soon. Be careful of enemy's strong magic
   attacks. Conserve Ted's Judgment for the other battle.

   Items: Nothing!

Once the battle is over, you get the Guardian Garb. Give to Ted.
Restore everyone's HP back to max. Make your way down to the Destroyed
Town where you meet Nataly. There is another chest in the area and you
will fight...

   Angel Hairball    HP: 3000                     Potch: 10000p
   This is the 3rd Angel Hairball fight. Unleash Ted's LV4
   Soul Eater spell - Judgment and it will be over in 2 turns
   if Ted is at a high level...

   Items: Stone of Speed

After the battle is over, you will get the Hero's Armor.

Deserted Island
 Enemies: Moss Behemoth, Golden Wing, Queen Sprout (forest only),
          Savage Frog, Dry Fly
As stated earlier, the enemies have become stronger once you have
liberated Razril from Kooluk rule. The enemies here are tougher & you
will be having a tough time if you do not have Snowe (around level 40,
best armour, True Frienship Attack learnt, Fury and Double-Strike Orb
Runes). Most of the enemies have around have 1000+ HP. Queen Sprout
and Savage Frog has around 2000 to 3000 HP each. But the good part is
that these enemies drop rare items such as Silk and a lot of potch.
The Subterranean Lake has an instant healing point as usual. There is
a giant crab (Ancient Crab) that is stationed at the forest. You can
choose to fight it but don't go for it unless your party is well-
prepared (please refer to Section 9 for more details)

Limeshelf Island
 Enemies: Mosquito
The island is located at south off Razril in the southern ocean or
directly west off the Nest of Pirates. Bring in Kika or some characters
who can deal an area attack or Slash orb if your party level is around
45. You will find a series of stone path. Make your way up the stone
path (expect some twisting and turning) and you will reach the dead end.
There is a chest containing a Treasure Chest there! Once you have
discovered this island, you will be able to teleport here and do your
treasure hunting if you have the Treasure Maps with Rene.

Mountain Mass Island
 Enemies: Evil Bat (lower area), Fish Fiend (upper area)
The island is located at the northwest corner of World Map. You will
find a pointy island there and it is directly north off Razril. Once
you reach the island, you will be able to re-access it via the Blinking
Mirror. Likewise, the island is full of treasures...

Make your way to the upper area via the curving path on the left. Once
in the upper path, you will find 4 spliting paths. There is a chest on
the westmost pathway that contains 10000p. Make your way up to the
intersection point. Take the left path and there is another chest, open
it and you will fight...

   Golden Hairball           HP: 400                Potch: 2000p

   It is typically no challenge if you choose to fight it with
   your level 40+ characters. You will be able to wreck it with
   a single attack or a spell...

   Items: Nothing!

Once the battle is over, you will recover the contents of the treasure
chest and you will get Diamond x5 and Prosperity Orb. Return to the
intersection point and take the path in the middle. It will lead to a
chest containing a Mixed Herbs. The path on the extreme right leads to
a chest containing a Silver Bracers.

There is nothing much to do than doing some treasure hunting, playing
mini-games, collect all Old Book Volumes, upgrading weapons etc.

(S) Save your game

If you are interested, you choose to battle the 2 optional bosses in
the game. Please refer to the Side Quests and Mini-Games for details.
If you visit the Deserted Island, the enemies encountered there has
also changed and there is a giant crab at the forest (which is one of
the game's optional bosses)

 Fighters Group #1 - Jewel, Paula, Keneth and Tal for the Gaien Ship
 Fighters Group #2 - Sigurd, Hervey, Dario, Gau for Grishend
 Fighters Group #3 - Ugetsu, Shiramine, Flare & Lino for the Obel Ship
 Fighters Group #4 - Snowe, Axel, Selma, Izak for the Dauntless

 - Make sure sure everyone is around level 45 with at least Platinum
   Armor equipment (for figthers) and Tai Chi Garb for Archers who
   are fighting in naval battles as fighter.
 - Their weapons must be sharpen to at least level 12.

 Rune Cannons
 Have 8 Rune users - Ted, Maxine, Warlock, Pablo, Konrad, Katarina,
 Jeane and Viki. Give Konrad a Water Rune. Give Wind Runes for Viki
 and Pablo. Train the Rune users to at least level 50. See the
 training tips below for details.

 Set the Rune users in this manner:
 Dauntless - Ted (Water)/Maxine (Wind)
 Grishend - Viki (Wind)/Warlock (Water)
 Gaien Ship - Katarina (Lightning)/Konrad (Water)
 Obel Ship - Jeane (Lightning)/Pablo (Wind)

 Detachement Party
 - You cannot use their equipment for New Game+. Hence do not give
   them any rare accessories. But make their equipment is strong
   enough as the boss for their party is strong
 - I opted for 2 attackers and 2 healers strategy. Mizuki seems to
   be excellent choice as her Shrike Rune can deal heavy damage on
   her. Bring Mizuki will bring in Akaghi (but I give him the Earth
   Rune and Water as he is a support member). The other 2 members
   must have access to level 4 spells. For my case, I choose Federica
   and Kate, they is able to gain level 4 spells at level 51)

 Main Party Preparations
 - Sharpen Hero, Ted, Snowe and Kika's weapon to level 16
 - Give them the best armour you have.
 - Have Hero and Kika learn Double Sword Attack and learn True
   Friendship Attack with Snowe. Equip a Fury Rune for Snowe. Train
   up you have level up these attacks to level 3
 - Give Kika a Wind or Earth Rune.

 Training Tips
 - The two optional boss can be fought countless but I don't recommend
   you to fight them unless you are bring a party level whose average
   is around level 60 (Refer to Section 9 for details)
 - Obel Ruins and the Deserted Island are having new enemies.

   Between level 20 to level 40 - Na-Nal
   Between level 40 to level 44 - Middleport/Deserted Island
   Between level 45 to level 50 - Obel Ruins

   Train Snowe, Hero, Kika and Ted as your primary objective. Just
   keep on training till you are able to upgrade both Hero and Kika's
   weapon to level 16. Once you got that, Kika and Hero's Double Sword
   Attack can deal 350 to 400 HP damage to all enemies if they are at
   level 50+ and weapons at level 16. Once you got Kika, train Snowe
   and Ted, your detachement party, lastly the 16 remaining attackers
   and 8 Rune members to level 50 miniumum and give the attackers
   decent armor.

Infiltrate Into Kooluk! (Point of No-Return)
Items:    Wooden Amulet

Make your way to the Deck and there will be a cutscene with Mizuki and
Akaghi. If you are observant, you won't find Elenor, Agnes, Flare and
Lino in their rooms. This is because they are in the War Room. Make
your way there and you will get a cutscene and Elenor will tell you
that it is time to go head on against Kooluk and you need to take care
of the Rune Cannon on board on Fort El-Eal. You need to sent a
detachment party. Remember once you choose to do the mission, you will
not be able to return back to other towns of the world.

Choose the top option and you will be given 3 days (or 3 minutes ^_^).
Talk to Elenor and you will be able to assign the detachment party.

                         Seperate Task Force
   I choose Mizuki and Akaghi as you need to rescue Ramada (sounds
   logical right?) Federica is also a good choice as she has a feud
   with Cray. As for the last member, I choose Kate so that you can
   have a useful group attack when visiting the final dungeon. Give
   one of the members have a Water Rune so that you could heal.
   Have a Lightning Rune to each member if they is able to use level
   4 spells. Give Akaghi the Earth Rune. Do not give these party any
   rare Runes as these Runes cannot be used for New Game+

Elenor choose to accompany the detachment party and you will be given
a prompt:

a) I am counting on you, Ms. Elenor.
b) You shouldn't. It's too dangerous.

Exit the war room and head back your room and rest. Exit your room
and make your way back to the War room. You will be given three options:

a) I will prepare a little more
b) Reorganize a seprate team.
c) Yes. I am ready!*

(Once you choose Option 3, you can no longer return back to the world

Pick the last option once you are confirmed to be ready and there will
be a gathering in the war room...

"Victory will be ours!"

It will be night time and there will be a cutscenes.

 Additional Notes
 - You cannot access elsewhere on the world map during this point
   of time.
 - Once you are out of Lino's room, you cannot access it anymore
   because the latter has locked his room!
 - Do not talk to Reinhold as you are going to fight the training
   matches on your own.
 - You can shop, play games or take a bath if you like
 - You cannot rest in the inn or save your game anywhere except
   at the save orb in your room
 - You cannot access the war room
 - Some of the characters are missing and I can't seem to locate
You will be at the deck. The knights from the Hall of Knights have a
chat. Talk to Kika and there will be a cutscene. Make your way to the
front of the ship and there is another cutscene with Sigurd and Hervey.

Make your way to the Saloon. Talk to either Rita, Noah or Rene and you
will get a Wooden Amulet accessory. There are some more scenes if you
visit Lino's Room or Elenor's Room. Pay Ted and Katarina a visit and
there will be some more scenes. After you have talked to Rikie and
Rakgi in their room, there will be a cutscene. Talk to Federica at the
library. Make your way to the fifth floor and there will be a *big*
surprise cutscene...

Make your way to the Rune Control room and you will find that poor
Pablo is *extremely* busy. By the way, you can upgrade your ship if you
talk to Tov. For more details, please refer to Section 9.

Make your way back to your room and there will be a scene with a close
friend. Make your way to bed and there will be a cutscene with Leknaat
if you have recruited all 108 stars of destiny...

The Final Showdown at Fort El-Eal
Items:   Mega Medicine, Hero's Helmet, Cape of Darkness, Chaos Shield,
         Goddess Robe, Mixed Herbs x2, Mega Medicine, Fortune Orb,
         Magic Canceller

Once you are awaken, check the Save Point and you are anchored at near
Fort El-Eal. Make some preparations and remove for all except the
particpating members (except the 16 characters for fighters, Runes for
the Rune cannons users, your main party and the detachment party)

Make your way to the deck. There will be some more cutscenes. Hero will
talk with Lino

a) Well... umm...
b) It's hard to say...

You will be controlling Elenor (with the detachment party). Make your
way up the pathway and there will be a view of the Fort. The screen will
switch to the Dauntless and some more scenes. Eventually, it is a naval

                   Naval Battle #11 - Final Engagement
 1st Kooluk Fleet vs The Hero's Army (The Rush)

 Victory conditions:
 Destroy the 1st Kooluk Fleet!

 Opponents Stats
 Kooluk Ship A                   Kooluk Ship B
 Explore:     3                  Explore:     5
 Range:       4                  Range:       3
 Endurance:   7                  Endurance:   5
 Captain:     Troy               Captain:     Kooluk Captain
 Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Fire)  Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Wind)
              K. Soldier (Wind)               K. Soldier (Earth)
              K. Soldier (Earth)
              K. Soldier (Water)
 Underlings:  220                 Underlings: 180

 Kooluk Ship C
 Explore:     5
 Range:       3
 Endurance:   4
 Captain:     Kooluk Captain
 Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Lit.)
              K. Soldier (Water)
 Underlings:  150

 It is a tough naval battle. The chances of you losing ships are high
 as the enemies' Rune cannon at a high level and you need to have
 more underlings. Set up 1 Wind Rune cannon each for the ships on
 left (i.e. the Grishend and Daunltess) and 2 Lightning Rune Cannon
 for ships on the right. For secondary, have Water Rune for all ships.
 I choose Water because it is the only Rune element that does not
 have a weakness against Troy.

 Have the Grishend take care of the Kooluk Ship B while Gaien Ship
 and Obel Ship take care of Kooluk Ship C. Due to the high underling
 stats, Kooluk Ship will move last among all Kooluk ships. Destroy
 the 2 enemy ships with Rune cannons and combine all the ship to
 attack Troy. Once you get the chance to board the ship. Choose to do
 it. Hope that you did so as boarding is the key to win the battle.
 Board in such as a way that the ship's head or tail is facing you
 (the enemy will unable to counter) and the enemies are really weak.

 This is a more effective way to win a naval battle like this. That's
 is why I have told to make serious preparations for all boarding
 members. Below is the summary of my ship setups:

 The Grishend       Dauntless       Gaien Ship     Obel Ship
 C: Kika            C: Hero         C: Brec        C: Jango

 R: Wind            R: Wind         R: Lightning   R: Lightning
 R: Water           R: Water        R: Water       R: Water

 1) Hervey          1) Axel         1) Tal         1) Lino En Kludes
 2) Sigurd          2) Izak         2) Jewel       2) Ugetsu
 3) Dario           3) Selma        3) Keneth      3) Shiramine
 4) Gau             4) Snowe        4) Paula       4) Flare

 Notice something about my setup? I have choosen in a way that you
 can use combos. Combos will deal more damage and they are more
 effective that attacking on alone unless the character is well
 equipped. Make sure Tal, Jewel, Keneth and Paula learnt the Knight
 Attack as the one of the best all-attack combo after Hero and Kika's
 Double Sword Attack. All attacker's weapon should be at least level
 12 and equipped a minimum platinum-type equipment.

 If a ship is destroyed, the characters on board the ship will not
 proclaim as dead. However, if they got killed in a battle, they WILL
 be proclaim as dead and you cannot use for future battles.

Once the naval battle is over, you will be controlling Elenor and the
detachment party.

   Note (Do not equip*)
   Please note that do not equipped any rare Runes (such as Mother
   Earth, Rage or Fortune on these characters) or any accessories on
   these characters if you intend to keep some for a New Game+ game.

Make your way up the pathway and there will be a chest. Grab a Mega
Medicine from it.

  Enemies: Elite Captain, Kooluk Soldier, Elite Soldier, Elite
           Trooper (stairs), Royal Guard Archer (stairs), Kooluk
           Captain, Kooluk Archer, Grain of Light (stairs)

Once inside the fort, you will encounter Kooluk soldiers ranging from
captains, archers to elite soldiers. They are a bit stronger than the
ones you have encounter in Iluya or Na-Nal harbour but they are still
managed if your party level is around level 52 or so. Conserve your
magic and avoid using level 3 and level 4 spells against these enemies.
You need them for a boss battle.

Make your way inside the fort. Take the stairs on the right and you
will be heading to the basement.

Make your way towards north and along the pathway there is a chest,
search it for Hero's Helmet. (Do not equip it*). Make your way up the
dead end where there is a cell with a dead man. Search the dead man
and you will get the Cape of Darkness (do not equip it*)

2nd Floor
Make your way back to the first floor and used the left staircases.
On the left is a room that leads to "Stairs" which is locked for the
time being. Behind that block is an Angel Hairball which I suggest
you to deal it with your main party. Make your way up the stairs and
you will reach a similar area.

3rd Floor
Make your way to the back of the area and the the path will leads to
the meeting room where those Kooluk government holds their meetings
there. The path opposite the door leads to a chest containing a
Goddess Robe. Make your way back to the stairs and move your way up

4th Floor
The path will leads to the Rune Control Room. Do not enter it. Search
the chest on the right of the door for another Mega Medicine, Mixed
Herbs and Fortune Orb. Heal your party and restore MP if necessary.
Enter the room and there will be some scenes. Eventually, it is a
boss fight:

   Graham Cray       HP: 4500                       Potch: 1000p
   Start off the battle by combining level 4 spells to unleash
   a strong spell. I start of the battle by unleashing all my
   strongest magic. Do this because Cray will set up a shield
   that reduces all damage by half (which also includes magic)
   which will only for 5 turns. Cray has 2 basic attacks, a
   hand beam attack that does 80+ HP damage to all allies and
   a single target hand beam that does around 100+ HP damage to
   all allies. Keep everyone's HP above 150 and you will be
   find. Have Akaghi cast Earth Rune's Clay Guardian so to
   reduce the damage dealt by Cray. Once he got the shield on,
   use Combos or Mizuki's Shrike Rune and avoid wasting your
   magic. Keep up the endurance and you will beat Cray in no

   Items: Nothing!

Once the battle is over, there will be some more scenes and you will be
controlling Hero who is at the front of the Fort. At this point of
time, you can return back to the ship to remove the equipment along with
Runes for all the 16 fighters by talking to Rakgi who is at the end of
pathway (where Elenor starts off). To get back to the fort, talk to
Rakgi. You can only have 3 other members. It may seems a bit redundant
but it will be good if you intend to bring some of these armor for your
New Game+...

Once you are done with your preparations, talk to Agnes and you will
be able to setup your party:

Main Party
Ted is a must-have if you want to have an easy fight for the final
boss fight. I choose Ted over other magicians because he is faster and
a decent attacker as well. As my other members, I choose Kika and
Snowe. Kika is mainly for fighting Kooluk royal guards so that you can
conserve magic when combined with Hero, provided their weapons are
sharpen to the max. Snowe and Hero can wreck heavy damage when their
True Friendship Attack especially if you sharpen them to level 16 for
both characters.

Once you are done, enter the fort. Make your way to 2nd floor and
search for a chest behind the block with a door that leads to "Stairs".
Open the chest and you will fight...

   Angel Hairball    HP: 3000                      Potch: 10000p
   Do not drag the battle for too long or it could use Water
   Dragon Rune attack! Just have Hero or Snowe used True
   Friendship for 2 times (provided if you have really upgrade
   both of their weapons to level 16), Kika using Falcon and
   Ted attack normally. If you want, unleash some magic...

   Items: Nothing!

Once the battle is over, you will get the Chao's Shield. Make your way
to the Rune Control and you will be able to access a door which leads
to the office. Search the blinking object on the table for a Stair Room
Key. Wonder why I choose to fight the Angel Hairball with the main party
and not the detachment party? Here is the reasons. Examine the sofa and
you will rest for free like your bed at the Dauntless!

Make your way back to the 2nd floor and head for the locked door. You
will be able to open it. In this area, you will encounter even
stronger Kooluk Soldiers with an average of 600 HP each. Conserve Ted's
spells especially Soul Eaters. Instead, make use of Kika and Hero's
strong party attack

From the door, you will find a chest under the stairs. Search it to get
the Magic Canceller. Make your way the spiral stairs till you reach the
next screen (i.e. past the yellow). Make your way UP again until you
reach the next marker (Build up your Rush meter and do not use it. Save
it for the boss fight, you will need it) In the 3rd screen, there will
be some point of time, you will find a chest containing a Mixed Herb.
Lastly once you reach the door. There is a Save Point. Heal your
character's health back to full. Make your way to the room and there will
be some scenes and prompts. Eventually, you will have your final boss

   Giant Tree        HP: 12500                      Potch: 3000p
   Seeds of Light    HP: 3000 each

   The boss could change colours and its elemental. Before is the
   elemental chart:

   Colour      Element        Weakness/Notes
   Red         Fire           Water (Breath of Ice)
   Orange      Wind           Fire (Final Explosion)
   Blue        Water          Lightning (Soaring Bolt)
   Green       Earth          Wind (The Shredding)
   Yellow      Lightning      Earth (Earthquake)
   White       N/A            Danger!

   The boss will change colours from turn to turn and it will also
   unleash seeds that also carries elements. The Wind Seed could
   cast spells especially the annoying Wind of Sleep. Kill of any
   seeds that bares an orange glowing light. The boss has a normal
   attack that does around 120 HP damage to an ally, the seed's
   glow attack that does 80 to 100 HP damage to all allies. Once it
   is white, it will unleash a devasting beam attack that does
   around 240 to all allies (even with Clay Guardian on). Hence
   conserve level 3 spells for Ted (i.e. Kindness Rain) and use
   Hero's Everlasting Mercy as your last resort.

   The boss will be able to regenerate countless Seeds of Lights
   (which can cast attacking spells on its own). Hence, focus on
   the main boss. Use a group attack i.e. Kika/Hero Double Sword
   Attack or Ted's Soul Eater. When the boss' HP is halved, it
   turn white, use your Rush attack to prevent it from using its
   devastating attack. Rush actually skips it turn. Just keep on
   attack with Hero and Snowe's Friendship attack and you will
   be lower the boss' HP. Once it is about to be killed, it will
   turn white again. Use Hero's Everlasting Mercy, unleash Ted's
   Judgment, Kika using Falcon and you should be winning the
   battle sooner or later...

   Items: Nothing!

Once the battle is over, the fort starts to tumble and you will need to
make your way out of the fortess. Once you are out of the fortess, make
your way down the stairs. Before you talk to Rakgi, remove all the
equipment from your current party except for Hero (unfortunately, you
cannot recover any of the Runes, that is the reason I recommend you to
have Kika in the party and sharpen her weapon to level 16). You will be
back on your ship and you will be prompted to meet Troy to a one-on-
one duel.

                  Fencing Battle #6 - Vs. Troy
  "You cannot see my intentions..." (Well, if the quotes listed
  below, you can guess what to use against him ^_^)

  Quote                                                 Choice
  Then... here I go!                                    - Special
  Yield to my sword                                     - Special
  ...                                                   - Attack
  Humph                                                 - Attack
  Sorry... but I will take your life with one more move - Guard
  I will settle this with the next move                 - Guard
  Prepare yourself!                                     - Guard


Once the battle is over, there will be some more scenes and you will
be forced to use the Rune and eventually comes the Rune screen again...
Remove all equipment from Hero before moving to the glowing object.

Enjoy the ending. After the credit roll (it takes around 5 to 7
minutes), you will be prompted for a clear game save. Choose to save
your game and you will be able to access New Game+ with your cleared
Save data via Continue option from the Saved Menu.

            ----------- END OF WALKTHROUGH -----------

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